Second grow (S.A.D. S1), DWC, and late to the party...


Well-Known Member
Yo guys.

Since I started my second grow I got a lot of help from members here because I had some problems with my DWC setup and some folks were faintly "requesting" for me to make some kind of journal. I only have a very tedious method of making pics of my ladies and since I'm a lazy cunt, I probably won't update as much, like once a week or something like that.
Also, tomorrow marks the start of week 3 in flower, so I'm kind of late with this, but I guess the other threads where I requested help already had a lot of pics from vegging.

Anyway, since I don't really have much personal experience, I can't really comment on the status of my ladies, but I think they are doing well so far, considering that I (almost) had a serious root problem which somehow disappeared almost entirely on its own (I helped a bit with some h2o2).

  • I have 2 S.A.D. S1 from sweet seeds which I vegged for 6 weeks due to the root "problem" and because of that, they are now more bushy than I anticipated. Kind of feels like the 70s in here lol... even though I wasn't even alive in the 70s...
  • I'm using 400W lights and switched the bulbs out after week 1 of flower. My grow space is very limited, sadly, but the ladies rest in (way too) big buckets and I had to change out my air pump, because the compressor was too powerful for this small of a setup. The resulting violent bubbling was probably the culprit for the root problems I had earlier. I will switch to smaller buckets once this grow is done, too.
  • I have the GH flora trio nutes and right now, my ppm is at about 500-520. There appears to have been some very slight nute burn because I tried to adjust the nutes. Apparently, SAD either requires only a very small amount of nutes or the rather dry environment of the grow space (35-40% RH) made the ladies drink more than they normally would. At this point, it doesn't seem to be a problem though, at all... Also, I'm using tap water and it already has a starting ppm of about 170.
  • Room temps are varying from about 19°C when the lights are off to about 27-28° when the lights are on. Since it is winter season here and snow begins to fall, I leave the lights off during most of the day. This way, my water temps are reaching from 19-22°, which seems ok.
  • The bubbleponics pumps which pumped water to the bottom of the net pot are turned off at this point, since I don't really need them anymore.
  • I've removed some of the lower growth because in my opinion, it was way too bushy with too many leaves not getting any light at all. There is still a lot of growth which doesn't seem to receive light and my question to you guys is, if I could or should do anything about it or just leave it as it is?

Enough talk for now and on to some pics:

Lady #1: Was a late bloomer but came back stronger than expected. Is now a bit taller than #2, but not as bushy. The branches seem to be stronger on this one, though.

3.jpg 5.jpg 6.jpg 7.jpg 2.jpg

#2: Started strong but was hit with the root "problems" the most. Now slightly shorter than #1 but more bushy. Had to defoliate more than #1.

8.jpg 10.jpg 11.jpg 9.jpg

Both next to each other: (Mind the distance between them, I can't put them any closer because they are both so bushy that they touch the walls to some extent.)


More pics coming next weekend probably...

PS: Sorry for the terrible image quality. I'm using a severely outdated smartphone with a horrendous camera.


Well-Known Member
that strain grows extremely bushy I got one going right now, I should have set my lights to be off more during the day as well I have a temperature swing


Well-Known Member
that strain grows extremely bushy I got one going right now, I should have set my lights to be off more during the day as well I have a temperature swing
Nice. I love the smell of it, although it isn't that strong. I'm just a sucker for afghan-like strains, the taste is incomparable imho.

What about your lady, she going well? And do you or will you do some defoliation of the lower leaves? I know theres even bushier strains but even after removing some of the lowest growth about 2 weeks ago, mine are still very bushy with a lot of (small) leaves which are not exposed to direct lighting. And the lowest branches of #2 are hidden under the canopy too. They are developing flowers, but those are miniscule. The branches are not short but they never really grew upwards, what do I do with those?


Well-Known Member
I actually did alottttt of pruning I hope not to much but I did a little too much vegging there was a lot of undergrowth, I did my training a little different though I got sickly clones and decided to bend the whole plants into kind of an arc shape allowing tops to come of from everywhere, im now in week 2 of flower so I wont touch it anymore im just gonna let it go