Second grow. Same issue

That is the one I have been using for over a year . . . They do not like to be run through the washing machine in your pants pocket:dunce:
Coloradoclear can you suggest a particular make and model?

Is there another way I should be using to figure out root ph?

Buba that is exactly why I have been reluctant to post on this site looking for advice. Sometimes though it's better to just ask for help. Isn't that the point of this forum and sub forum? Did I assume incorrectly that there would actually be competent people on this forum that are willing and able to help? At this point I'm 5.5 weeks in to a grow and would prefer not to do trial and error testing and destroy an entire run or have another modest yield. Oddly enough I haven't taken any of the advice yet and put it into action. I did buy calmag, but that was my plan before I even posted from doing research on what my plants were displaying as symptoms. I was very surprised to see some nute burn after last night's feeding as I had not seen any yet this grow.

I have been reading some what I thought were pretty complete online books/tutorials. I have no problem picking up a book and reading it. Can you suggest a good read? Even after that with my lack of experience I will likely have my doubts on if I am doing things right. Confidence in your abilities takes time and familiarity.

You are right, I just wanted to say it like that in case you were one of the peeps who took advice on these forums without wanting to do the homework. If that was the case I would move on. I didn't want to suggest what books in the last post to see if you would ask. Good Luck! You're growing skills will improve with every grow, even the bad ones.

Here are two good books.
Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible
Marijuana Grower's Handbook by Ed Rosenthal
Coloradoclear can you suggest a particular make and model?

Is there another way I should be using to figure out root ph?
The short answer yes. How is the best way to check soil PH?
Others do it different than I do. I'm no expert on it.
I take a sample from different areas.
Using soil test kits like Mosser I get good decent results I suppose. It is important to use distilled water and the sample is completely dry.
Others use expensive meters that insert into the soil.
I think another method involves using a cheap PH Meter.
Many soil growers never check the soil PH because they don't run into problems with it.
The short answer yes. How is the best way to check soil PH?
Others do it different than I do. I'm no expert on it.
I take a sample from different areas.
Using soil test kits like Mosser I get good decent results I suppose. It is important to use distilled water and the sample is completely dry.
Others use expensive meters that insert into the soil.
I think another method involves using a cheap PH Meter.
Many soil growers never check the soil PH because they don't run into problems with it.
I have never checked my soil PH . . . probably should be doing it lol
I have never checked my soil PH . . . probably should be doing it lol
Never hurts. It needs to be checked if problems develop from improperly watering in soil. If you are watering properly, soil PH should be fine. That's why some people never have to check. Some have learned to water properly from the school of hard knocks or from having a green thumb. When somebody is overwatering by using to much water and creating a large run off each time they water, even if they are letting their plants dry out, they create a low soil PH which causes nutrient lock out.
Fabric pots are also a lot more "forgiving" when it comes to over watering your plants. Adjusting your soil mixture will allow you to water more times a week or less depending on its ability to hold water. I water twice a week, with only one containing fertilizer & supplements.
Ok. I will check that out. I just got into the habit of checking the ph of the runoff because a tutorial had recommended it as a way to check root ph.

I have been worried about over watering and under watering. I end up watering about 2x per week. 1 water. 1 with water and nutes. I am using fabric 5 gallon pots. I usually use between a half gallon and 3/4 gallon on each plant before I get runoff into my trays. I slowly water each plant by adding a little at a time breaking up that amount over 4 pours. I don't get excessive runoff usually just a little in each tray. Then I notice if I come back in an hour or so it's been sucked back up by the fabric pots and soil. I was reluctant to post pics, but was hoping someone with more experience would be able to use them to help confirm some of my thoughts or give me some hints.
Good advice from Coloradoclear.

I'm going to tell you that you are chasing your tail testing run off PH. Do you believe me TAGrows?
Someone else is going to give you an answer like:
Yeah it should be close or a little below the PH of the water going in. You may even be blessed with advice on how to fix the problem if the runoff ph is to high or to low.
Which one will you believe?
What is your game plan to confirm which answer is more correct. Ask more people on forums? Go to your favorite marijuana book that has been heavily researched?
I'm betting on A.
What books do you own?
I've been reading this thread and was not going to bother commenting figuring my response would get lost in the garble. Then I thought this approach might work.
Buy a good book if you don't have any. Good Luck!
agree checking run off is for the birds....only reason you would need a ppm reader is if you were running hydro....I have a ppm tester and used it once in a year to check my tap waters initial hard or softness.....a good ph pen and you're good to go brother
I'm thinking you might have just stumbled upon your problem in your last post, 1 not much runoff 2 it's running off into a tray and then being sucked back in by the fabric pots,technically speaking that's not runoff, with runoff your trying to rid the excess salts not suck em' back in.Maybe this helps
agree checking run off is for the birds....only reason you would need a ppm reader is if you were running hydro....I have a ppm tester and used it once in a year to check my tap waters initial hard or softness.....a good ph pen and you're good to go brother
I am running more than just fertilizer (Advanced Nutrients schedule), so I monitor the ppm to make sure I don't screw anything up.
I'm thinking you might have just stumbled upon your problem in your last post, 1 not much runoff 2 it's running off into a tray and then being sucked back in by the fabric pots,technically speaking that's not runoff, with runoff your trying to rid the excess salts not suck em' back in.Maybe this helps

I had not thought of that.
If it was me I would take the trays out and flush em' you said that runoff is running 7 or so then PH your flush water in the low 6's,then feed them again at 1/2 strength,I never feed at full strength,I take that back I very rarely feed at full strength.Good Luck
I am running more than just fertilizer (Advanced Nutrients schedule), so I monitor the ppm to make sure I don't screw anything up.
so am i......just meaure your ratio...mix in water..PH around 6.0....and keep it moving. you're making it to complicated.. here's a pic of a test bud so you know I can grow...plant has about 2 weeks to go..that's 1 plant 5×520161212_211145.jpg 20161212_202933.jpg
I'm thinking you might have just stumbled upon your problem in your last post, 1 not much runoff 2 it's running off into a tray and then being sucked back in by the fabric pots,technically speaking that's not runoff, with runoff your trying to rid the excess salts not suck em' back in.Maybe this helps

So I'm reading this thread again trying to make sure and grasp it all. Correct me if I have this wrong. I am supposed to water until I get 20% runoff. So if I use 1 gl of water on a plant I should have 1/5 gl of runoff in my saucer that my fabric pot is in? Then I am supposed to dispose of this excess water? Any tips on a quick easy way to remove it? Shop vac?
Damn I was hoping for an easier way to get rid of the excess water. Shop vac seems like a pita.

Flowers look awesome. Lots of dead or dying leaves though. They should be done in the next week or less. I may snap a few photos when the lights come back on tonight.
It is a pain I have 5x5 tent with 2-2'x4' flood tables sitting on 6" block I have a drain in them but it's still a pain, but it's all part of it you know what I mean?If it was easy everybody would be able to grow if this is your 2nd grow then you know how diligent you have to be "slackers need not apply"on your next run you will find it easier than the last one and so forth, experience is everything,also an open mind
Good idea with the flood tables. Speaking of a flood. I got to go water. I may have to put some thought into some flood tables and a slight slope in the tent. Damn tissue hard to move around in there though so adding additional stuff on the floor will be a pain. It's difficult enough to reach the back corner as it is.