Second grow! Still a noob! Come one, come all :)

thanks!! i am kind of obsessed with our set up. it's so neat and tidy in there :D :D :D

that would be awesome! as it is, we have been REALLY fortunate that our central ac has been keeping it under 78*F the entire time. the coolest i've seen it has been 73 or 74, and we set our ac to 75. don't ask me how it gets cooler in there than the rest of the house...
ps anyone know what the upturned ridges on the leaves mean, if anything? re: the royal bluematic

eta: i think it may just be bc it's an auto/is bred with ruderalis, as lots of the pictures i've seen of ruderalis look spiky in comparison to sativa/indica leaves...
Curled up leaf edges usually indicate some heat stress or moisture stress, if your leaves are close to your light I'd say its heat. Bad news my way:( i was out of town for about a week and when I returned home the PH problem I thought I had was actually an infestation of those goshdang spidermites!! My girl sent me a couple pics and to me I thougt the PH was too high locking Phosphorus and cal/mag out so I had her PH down them<<<yikes lol nah she did good, but when i walked into my flower room and started to foilar feed my ladies I saw little webs errwherr!!! AAAwwwww nahhhhh, I soaked them freekers wit some neem oil, hopefully it did the trick. 4 weeks into flower and looking pretty shady now:( On a lighter note all of yer ladies are looking healthy healthy!! Yall keep em green now ya herr!!
Hey Miz, they are looking good. I agree with bum though. Look like your plant could go a little longer. Kinda hard to explain. Your plant will look done. When it is growing it is all "bright and shiney". When it is done the hairs turn, there is swelling and the over all look of the plant is.....well the colors are not as bright. You will understand in time. I wish i could explain it better. Any you and your old man seem to be doing a good job.
i was hoping you'd see it Darth! i couldn't remember which thread you'd posted in so i posted a picture of it in both. HAHA
hey miz. everything looking damn good. ur tent set up is much more organized than mine. lol
luckyy . i need to get my light on yoyos so i can get it closer to my plants as some plants are taller than others.

but grabbed an 1/8th of some that dank BD i mentioned. took a shot for ya.
trully jealous ur gonna have pplenty of this to toke on . also added a shot of my much less
organized tent for you lol happy growing.


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thanks homie! i'll be sure and smoke one for you once she's good n ready! ;) that looks DELISH and a lot like what we grabbed the bagseed from! awwwwwwwwww memories... hahhahaha

bout to post some pictures of the AK's trichs...
You know what miz It's time I put my foot down. Your not gonna come in here yellin"first timer" growing some fucking dank like
Nice green plants, someone is listening to the girls. Congrats I hope she smokes as well as she looks. This shot of Patron is for you cheers.
awwwww thank you! if it weren't for the camraderie at RIU and all the helpful people here we'd probably be growing some shwag right now. and i was just thinkin about you, somebody mentioned the couch lock thing in a thread, and someone else mentioned not seeing some ppl around and it made me think of you!

better you than me on the tequila... every time i drink tequila it's bc i'm drunk enough to decide to drink tequila. then i'm too wasted to roll a joint and barfing in our Mexican hotel bathroom toilet for six hours.... hahahahhaa. a chilled, fully dressed shot of patron is the only way i'll do it anymore. and by chilled i mean shaken with ice, so as watered down as possible cause i'm a wimp..hahahaha
awwwww thank you! if it weren't for the camraderie at RIU and all the helpful people here we'd probably be growing some shwag right now. and i was just thinkin about you, somebody mentioned the couch lock thing in a thread, and someone else mentioned not seeing some ppl around and it made me think of you!

better you than me on the tequila... every time i drink tequila it's bc i'm drunk enough to decide to drink tequila. then i'm too wasted to roll a joint and barfing in our Mexican hotel bathroom toilet for six hours.... hahahahhaa. a chilled, fully dressed shot of patron is the only way i'll do it anymore. and by chilled i mean shaken with ice, so as watered down as possible cause i'm a wimp..hahahaha
Ahhhh, who are you 007 "shaken not stirred" not matter how you drink it --or smoke it let us all get FUBARed. Keep up the good work, wheres my dude Ollie? Tell him to get his ass online were growing some ooooooohhhh weeeeeeee.
at work :( but mama and her plants gotta eat so i guess i'll let it slide haha.

he was supposed to post pictures a few days ago but RIU suuuuucks on iphone when you wanna post pictures. i'll tell him to come make an appearance later hehe

eta i'm a bond girl, not bond! duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :P
you're doing the tattoos right!! haha. JUST SAY NO TO BROWN LIQUOR MY FRIEND eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek

and nice fluffy not-yet-a-nug nug ;)