Second grow! Still a noob! Come one, come all :)


Well-Known Member
Whats up Miz? How is the second grow coming along? The BD so strong it knocked your internet out?


New Member
We've learned quite a bit... here are a few of our lessons learned off the top of my head.

1. Don't veg too long without proper support, plants get huge and unwieldy
2. Using latex gloves to pull/snap off leaves rather than scissor trimming is time consuming, but results in much smoother smoke.
3. Never take your plants outside... bugs, man.
4. Monitor the plants closely when they get big... they start drinking really fast.
5. Don't use Rockwool cubes with coco coir. There's no reason, because you're just going to decrease your germination rate with the added step.
6. 600w HID is the bomb, giggity.
7. Don't use a 600w HID during the hottest months of tx summer. $$