Second Grow. Trying Outdoor This Time


So I just started germinating my 5 feminized Cataract Kush, 2 feminized Seedsman White Widows, a feminized Kannabia BCN Diesel autoflower, and a feminized Kannabia Big Band.

All 10 seeds germinated. I used the paper towel method. First I boiled some water, and let 4 paper towels soak in it to help decontaminate them. I then sterilized a plate and a bowl and sandwiched them between the two sets of papertowels.

9 of them sprouted, 1 of the Kushes died apparently.

They will be transplanted into a prepared woods area where 2'x'2'x2' holes have been dug, and a mix of his medium has been prepared into the ground:

2 parts Promix BX
1 part natural soil
1 part Vermiculite
1 cup Northern County Pro Grow (5-3-4) pelleted fertillizer
1/2 cup Worm castings (1 - 0 - 0)
2.5 cups of pelleted garden lime

I plan on using bat guano for flowering. They will be checked probably weekly.

The area around the plants was limed with powder garden lime. The pH of the soil was around 4, so I really tried to make sure the pH has been brought up. Im going to test the soil again before they go in the ground. I just tested the 4 holes that were dug first, the pH was around 6.7 :hump: I'll test the other 4 when I head out there to plant. I figure I'll let them get there 3rd or 4th set of true leaves before they go into the ground. One of the plants is becoming a mother in my home. I will be using LST like last time to keep her small so I can build a stealth box for her (my 2'x'4'x5' tent doesnt fit anywhere that I feel 100% safe with). I'd like to just do all of it indoors, but I cant power it because I dont pay my electricity bill ( my landlord does, its included in the rent).

I went out and constructed a dual CFL reflector for under $40 using part of a dryer duct. I ordered 2 85W 6500K CFLs that produce 4,200 lumens each. I figured that should be enough to veg all of them to about their 4th node.

I'm also going to transplant them once they need it into a 3" container thats long, so the roots will grow downwards (so when they go in the soil, they will expand outwards and root strongly, quickly).

How does this sound? The spot out there is very remote, so much so that if I dont have my GPS I would get lost getting out. There should be a good amount of direct sunlight (at least 5 hours a day).

I'll keep the thread up to date with more info.



So its day 11 after sprouting. I built a grow box with a 3.5" exhaust port, and 2 2" intakes.

They're growth seems to be kind of slowing a bit. been watering with pH 6.4 water (using soilless promix), and I just added Super Thrive to the water last night. Have them under 2 85W sunlight CFLs (8400 lumens total)

Here are some pics. Do these look healthy? I had to transplant the one in the middle because it fell over yesterday (lol but its still alive). It had somewhat of a rootball, so it shouldnt have been too stressful.

It is OK to post in my grow journal



Not much more growth yet. This was the end of day 11, and I've been fighting the temps all day. Most of the babies second leaves are really starting to come in. I'm hoping they will progress more tomorrow. I had it at a fairely stable 84 F and 40% humidity most of the day. Still running 18/6.

Wednesday they are being moved to a more secure location, where I can have an AC unit running. Also going to add in my 2'x4'x5' grow tent into this location flowering. I'll use the box for vegging.


Growth pretty much stopped. This is around day 15. They would not grow out their second set of true leaves completely, so I decided that the stretching might have something to do with it.

I transplanted all of them to 3" square pots, burying their stem all the way to the cotyledons (some were stretched to the point were i couldnt do this.

I watered with pH 6.0 water (using Promix), and have been feeding them 1 tablespoon/gallon (a little less than the seedling amount) of Pureblend Pro Grow along with 1/4 teaspoon Superthrive. I did this as some of the seedling's cotyledons were beginning to yellow so they appeared hungry.

I moved them up 1/2" - 1.5" from the 2 85W 6500K CFLs. That should keep them from stretching.

More pics once the whole groom is done. Im having to cut out an exhaust and intake hole for the room through a wall containing wires. So I have to be careful.


Growth has resumed after doing pH runoff tests on all plants. One needed corrected, and today they are all looking much healthier and stronger. Growing again, and at a much faster rate.

They definitely agreed with the transplant.


Today was day 20. Heres some pics. I started LST on the big guy. He got transplanted earlier than the others by about a week.



Heres an update. Day 22.

I think the bigger one (the white widow mom to-be) has spots on it from being a little hungry before I started regularly fertilizing her. The rest of the plant seems healthy.

Should I worry about these spots? There dont appear to be any new ones. I thought it was just a temporary nitrogen deficiency.




Day 24.

Big guy will be topped above the 2nd node after formation of 5th node. Cutting will be planted as a clone

Yellowing of first set of true leaves on the big white widow led me to bump up the fertilizer to a mid-size vegetative concentration ( in accordance with the back of the container ).



Pics for 6/16/11

I thought they might benefit from another day of not watering. Seemed to be enough moisture.

Boy was I wrong. A couple of them got burned or something, and wilted pretty bad. No idea what the deal with the grey flaking leaves are, but it didnt spread at all.

I removed the damaged leaves for fear of possible infection of dying tissues.


Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Why is no one looking at this?
This guy is keeping up on DAILY Updates which is quiet rare on rollitup.
+Rep for that.
Plants are looking good.
Where did you find an 85W CFL from?