Second Grow. Trying Outdoor This Time


Im glad people are enjoying it.

I received my AIR-1 climate controller today, and have a Hydorfarm Daystar AC hood in the mail. Got a good deal on it.

I just got over an intense stomach virus or something. So I wasnt able to document their growht within the last three days. The smell of lush vegetation was enough to almost make me throw up after the main part of the illness had passed.

Also, thought I'd try Cal Mag. Man this shit is awesome. USE IT. I'm at the normal dosage but will be increasing it to accelerated growth shortly.

Heres an update.

Pics from 6/23/11



Pics from 6/24/11

This is day 37, counting all those from sprouting. Wish I had known to transplant stretched seedlings. They'd be a whole week or so bigger.

Man they are LOVING that Cal Mag. If you are using straight pH'd dechlorinated tap water, USE CAL MAG. I'm telling you, a couple days and I already think its awesome.

I let up the cataract kush mother from its tie-downs. I didnt want its canopy to get behind. Not that it matters, since most of these guys are being cloned to their 2nd node (to promote 4 main cola growth) and then moved outside.

The grow room they are in is about to have a wonderful transformation. I'll post pics as progress is made.



These are doing awesome. I am on my first grow right now, also outdoors. Yours alot more bushy than mine but are around the same age. Mine have significant height on yours as they were outside for the majority of their life now. awesome daily updates though.


So I built a bubble cloner. Heres a picture for those of you who are interested in making one yourself. Since I'm still playing around with soil, and just about to start playing with hydroponics, its a great way to generalize cloning.

I installed an upper fill tube and a PVC drain plug. Sealed it up with Goop and Silicone (black)

I also just purchased this: HANNA HI 9813-6 pH/EC/TDS/Temp GroChek meter for $122



Sorry. No new pics cause my camera was dead.

Neem'd them today. Also started foliar feeding with seltzer water. They seem to like it. Strangely, one of them didnt like the neem. Maybe I'll go lighter next time. A couple of the leafs kind of lost their rigidity.

Pics tomorrow. Cutting clones tomorrow as well.


Pics from 6/25/11

For some reason, it only saved the picture of the right four.

Topping them tomorrow. Using my re-made bubble cloner. Ditched the drain plug and crap. It was just another thing to have to make water tight. Rubbermades are very brittle too for drilling through.



The day has come for me to try my hand at cloning for the first time. Bubble cloner in hand, along with 91% isopropyl alcohol, clonex rooting gel, and a razor blade.

Sterilized a glass slab to work on, and sterilized the razor blade for about 30 minutes. Long enough to kill most microbes. I sterilized my hands several times, and made 4 white widow clones off the LST'd mom. Topped her down to around her 3rd or so node. I couldnt cut all the way to the 2nd, it would just have been too much.

Made 3 Cataract cush clones. They are small, nearly 1.5" - 2" except for the top one. I would have made more, but remember I mixed up some of the strains on accident so Ill have to sort it out at the end of first harvest which is what (its being kept track of).

Made 4 Big Band clones.

Made 4 clones of the unknown plants by topping their tops.

They look small now. Dropped the light back down, and sprayed the clones with water. Sprayed the inside of the dome, and put my SunBlaze 24W seedling starter light over them. Put them on an 18/6 timer. Clones will be misted 3 times a day, and the water will be pH'd every day. Complete water replacement every 3-4 days. The reservoir holds a gallon. Im running DI water in it thats pH'd to ~ 5.7 (my pH electrode is in the mail, im using liquid indicator).

My stems are not submerged. I am using the bubble cloner bubble mist to keep them very moist but not submerged. I felt that submerging them was not beneficial.

All cuts were clean but the last one. I accidentally stripped alittle skin off the side of the top stem of the main plant. It didnt seem like anything serious. Im expecting a full recovery. THIS IS WHY YOU BUY A NEW RAZOR BLADE AND DONT SETTLE WITH THE OLD ONE. Learn from my mistake

Enjoy the pictures!



Checked on my guys today a couple times.

Clones are looking healthy I think. The pH was around 6 so I adjusted it to around 5.6. I figured it will make its way up again slowly. The reservoir water was also somewhat fizzy. Im assuming thats from the rooting hormone (there was nothing else but pH'd DI water in there).

The plants are looking good as well. Growth has definitely picked up already.

Also ordered a 530 CFM Tjernlund 6" inline fan to vent the Daystar hood with. I'll pick up a fan controller for it. Also ordered a 4" inline fan muffler for my carbon filter fan. Even with it turned down its still audible outside the room. Cant have that.

Pics for you!

