Second grow, White Widow X Big Bud Feminized. Hope you enjoy :D!


Well-Known Member
That could be a cal-mag issue, Add espom salt, plant in straight coco need extra cal-mag,as I remember!
leaf charts.jpeg


Well-Known Member
The only kind I ever used is the kind at drug store. They are better ones. Read back package, I use 1 tsp per gallon. Add it one a


Active Member
roofwayne:7518914 said:
The only kind I ever used is the kind at drug store. They are better ones. Read back package, I use 1 tsp per gallon. Add it one a
You only feed them one time a week with the solution? It would have to be 1tsp of salt amf 1/4-1/2 tsp. Of nutrients?

I went in and took as many shots as i could. Man are they pretty. Just want to fix the issue. Hopefully a second opinion or something will confirm the issue. I read that coco has a tendency to eat up all the epsom salt..and causes cal mag issues. But these signs also show nute burn in a way.

Here come the photos and see if studying the leaves helps. Time to keep reading..xD


Also i noticed that number one is a more light green shade than the other plants..which also can show calmag issue..



Active Member
I went in and took a good long video. I uploaded it to youtube, but it is still processing.

Video is taken in the dark. You can really see the leaves that show the issue.

It should be processed soon and ill post the link. Please everyone, do check it out.

I'll be feeding the girls at 1/4 strength tonight, and if the issue continues after a day or two ill worry more.

Keep an eye out for this link, im impatiently waiting on slow YouTube -.-



Active Member
Here is the link to the video :D


Nearly 7 minutes long, I hope you guys enjoy. And most of all, I hope it helps with the issue I am seeing.

I said they were in day 24 of darkness, when its 23. My mind has literally been all over the place, just because of this issue.

Thanks everyone,



Active Member
mikmike:7520154 said:
hmmm what ppm of the water u are feeding her? what is the ph of your soil as well?
I am unsure. I dont have the money for the tool to measure it >.<.


Well-Known Member
well it could be a lock out depending on your PH and if that is correct it is either calmag def or nitrogen so u might want to up your nuts, but u need to know the ph of your soil so we can see if we just correct the soil then the plants will take up the nuts.
View attachment 2198221
This diagram shows PH to what nuts take up :) u want 6.5 is a good area to be in so i would get a ph tester for soil and not a cheap 10 dollar on because that shit is not accurate at all. u are going to spend atleast around 40 bucks if not more :) u need to know your ph when growing pot


Active Member
mikmike:7520855 said:
well it could be a lock out depending on your PH and if that is correct it is either calmag def or nitrogen so u might want to up your nuts, but u need to know the ph of your soil so we can see if we just correct the soil then the plants will take up the nuts.
View attachment 2198221
This diagram shows PH to what nuts take up :) u want 6.5 is a good area to be in so i would get a ph tester for soil and not a cheap 10 dollar on because that shit is not accurate at all. u are going to spend atleast around 40 bucks if not more :) u need to know your ph when growing pot
How exactly does the meter work? What should I do in the meantime until I get it? I believe Ill be able to grab it tomorrow from the hydro store. Would it be smart to feed at 1/4 strength, 1/2 strength, or more? The sign appeared at 1/2 strength.

Thanks mike



Active Member
just measure the water after you have mixed the nutes and adjust ph5.8 for hydro/coco 6.5-6.8 for soil. then water the plants. to be honest 1 of your plants looks over fed but only slightly. and the other looks under fed. shift back down to 1/4 strength for a couple of waterings then that will hopefully get the nute lock out of the pale one and reduce the burn on the other. then start increasing the nutes again. just to clear something up what nutes you using


Active Member
catainahab:7521341 said:
just measure the water after you have mixed the nutes and adjust ph5.8 for hydro/coco 6.5-6.8 for soil. then water the plants. to be honest 1 of your plants looks over fed but only slightly. and the other looks under fed. shift back down to 1/4 strength for a couple of waterings then that will hopefully get the nute lock out of the pale one and reduce the burn on the other. then start increasing the nutes again. just to clear something up what nutes you using
Well that is quite the relief that I should have watered at 1/4, as i did so three hours ago.

Gah haven't even been able to sleep :/.

Do you think watering at 1/4 strength twice a day is good? I water when the lights turn on in the morning, and once when they are about to flip in the mid afternoon 12 hours later.

Since i fed at 1/4 strength once, in about 6 hours ill go grab a meter. As well as water again if you agree its a good idea.

Thanks very much Cata :D.


Active Member
catainahab:7521341 said:
just measure the water after you have mixed the nutes and adjust ph5.8 for hydro/coco 6.5-6.8 for soil. then water the plants. to be honest 1 of your plants looks over fed but only slightly. and the other looks under fed. shift back down to 1/4 strength for a couple of waterings then that will hopefully get the nute lock out of the pale one and reduce the burn on the other. then start increasing the nutes again. just to clear something up what nutes you using
I am using the following.

