Second grow

thats a savage set up man , can you get a over all pic of the lighting sysetm, anlong with a good estimate of the cost for lights and lighting stuff?
well why dont you search on my thread?? overall cost of lighting setup......4 2 feet extension cords.. 3 bucks each power bar. 7 bucks. 10 40 watt cfls 10 bucks a peice and 6 plug in bits for 3$ each....just about.....160$ max plus 2 23 watt bulbs. 27 000 lumens. add 15$ for bloom nutes and 10$ for veg nutes and a good 10$ for carbo load all from advanced nutrients so 200 bucks for almost everything.... exept the pots and soil. what do you think. if i get an ounce off each plant ill make twice my momey back!:)


















All of these pictures have been taken different times apart. Enjoy the flowering period LOL. Peace. im at day 54!!:peace:
I would guess for those, around 1.5 oz per. Pics are blurry
so it's more of a guess.

Do you plan on investing in an HPS for your next grow.
It would pay off for itself in the first harvest...
I'm sure I can see a bit of overnute on some of the leaves... this will hurt your yield a little.

I'd say... from the blurry day 54 pic' that it could be anything from 0.5oz to an oz per plant.

Can't you get a better pic'? Why is the last pic' blurry?
I would guess for those, around 1.5 oz per. Pics are blurry
so it's more of a guess.

Do you plan on investing in an HPS for your next grow.
It would pay off for itself in the first harvest...

planning on getting 600 or 1000 watt hps for my next grow. :mrgreen:
I'm sure I can see a bit of overnute on some of the leaves... this will hurt your yield a little.

I'd say... from the blurry day 54 pic' that it could be anything from 0.5oz to an oz per plant.

Can't you get a better pic'? Why is the last pic' blurry?

Thats dry right.
Ok i came back from my gfs place this morning and i found my plants.... looking FATTER! haha im harvesting mini TODAY. out with the scissors and time for trimming that little Lady:)

thats a very beatiful plant you have there:)
im pretty much starting up what you have here , is there a place i could ask you some unanswered questions other then here?
Ok guys after harvesting mini and One of the biggie i got 180 grams of fresh bud. mini gave me 58 wet and biggie 122!! i was so amazed by the yeild. i am fucking happy :D ill post pics of them drying out! Peace
Hell yeah dude. Sweet job with those. I cant wait to see what that is dried. You got a least 2oz dried from those 2 plants i would say. Thats not bad at all for cfl's. Keep us posted on how they are drying and the final weight.
2 plants gave me 42.4 grams dried and there curing now! i havr started harvest and curing thread and ill post the pics of them there soon! i got my gf to take pics on her cell so ill do that tomorrow hopefully! Peace