sorry dude i hate this technique for one reason, stick your fingers 2 inches in the pots man.. youll hear some tearing of the roots. BAD! not good. i use the weight technique. i let my plants let me know when there thirsty.the best time to water is when the medium is dry 3 inches deep. then you want to water so that water comes out of the bottom of the pot. then let this dry out and do the same thing. this causes the roots to search for water and grow, meaning more bud
Hey there doc, just thought i'd repay the compliment. I'm a little pushed for time so i haven't read your whole thread. Great advice on the weight thing by the way. These old timers are too stuck in their ways to realise there are better ways of doing things...sorry guys. i actually give my plants 1.3 liters every 3 days not 620 ml... wtf was i thinking....too high maybe.
looking good, i think you will get moor like 6-7os dry off 3 plants as i did, maby a bit moor? good luck any way,,,Thanks well im going to have 12 cfls soon lol. and next grow im either using 1000w hps or 600. ill manage all the heat somehow. i got a head and marijuana to give me the ideas. im goodi also lowered 2 cfls from each sides for side lighting. 6 40watts on top. waht do you tihkn. stay tuned people becausei ll be shooting alot of pics of the buds coming up
its my favourite part of growing
cool i love to see your pic,,loli Am too late!! did 2 hours over time. sorrry guys pics tomorrow afternoon when i wake up. PEACE