second grow

SANY0050.jpgSANY0054.jpghereSANY0052.jpg's couple more pics. was wondering if i could take a cutting from bottom of plant and put it in rockwool? so if this plant is female i will have another plant. because i dont have anmore seeds.
Yeah I would lolipop a little every few days..(only the lower nodes that aren't getting any light!) ..that thing is a freaking bush..

Take your best cutting, dip it into some rooting gel, put in rockwool.. Make sure the rockwool stays wet, but not sitting in water.
clone 001.jpghere is my attempt at cloning. i'm clone 003.jpguseing two dual spectrum 85 watt cfl's. and make shift incubaters.( i know) i'll put them in something better, i was high when i put it together.clone 002.jpg
I saw this thread was closed.. it may have been me on accident (has happened before,) but regardless it's open now.

Sorry for any trouble it may have caused.
I folar feed nutes lightly to clones since the root system isn't there to absorb anything :)

Dude! Your plants look great maAannn!... Yeah!​

Nice work.

hey vo, how long does it take to get the roots on a clone to show? they are staying green but know roots showing yet.