Second PC rig full tower (Purple Kush auto)


Hi guys, I was very impressed with how well my micro pc grow is going so I decided to build a regular sized one. So far its about 75% complete, ive got 3 out of my 4 cfls mounted and the exhaust fan installed. I just need to do the last light and shorten a potting box that I got, so I will be taking care of that tomorrow because I started germinating my autoflower purple kush today!!! should be harvesting this one alongsideish my other OG kush pc box if I timed it correctly. I plan on posting some pics tomorrow after I get it completed, also I want to line the inside of my case with mylar but im not sure what to use to hold the mylar on. any suggestions?


Active Member
Aluminum tape, it's reflective and all that.. So, it's a nice option.
Be sure to have your pc running one day or two before putting your lady in there, you might wanna make sure that temps and humidity is optimal. Wish you a strong start!


OK guys so heres some pics of the setup now 90% complete. IMAG0090.jpgIMAG0091.jpgIMAG0092.jpg

On the right side you can see my 40w 2700k light. That one is up against the other side of the case and my plan is to add another once the plant becomes a bit bigger, but I dont want to fry it when its a seedling so Im keeping it out for now. Also I ran it overnight, during the day it was 75 degrees F with about 85% humidity and this morning when I woke up it was 67 degrees F with 75% humidity. Im relatively impressed with these numbers since I didnt really have to do anything to achieve these and they are definitely growable conditions.

As for the seed, after 1 day of germinating it has a small tap root starting to protrude so im assuming ill plant either tonight or tomorrow depending on when that tap root gets its first inch or so.

Edit: currently have 90 W in the box 63 are 2700k and 27 watts come from the 6500k. Again I will add another 40 W later on to have a grand total of 130 W.


Active Member
Nice setup! Your temps and humidity look good. You can also paint the thing white on the inside, not exactly reflective but increases the light by far! Cheers!


I've considered painting but refrained for fear that the fumes may effect that plants growth. Can anyone confirm or deny this?


Active Member
Hey! Personally I've seen some white painted cabs. If you paint it and then let it in a room with a proper airflow, smell should be out in about 4 days or so (not sure for the number of days though!)..

Then you'll be ok! Cheers!!


I've considered painting but refrained for fear that the fumes may effect that plants growth. Can anyone confirm or deny this?

use a water based paint and u can put the plants in there once dry i painted my whole room and put the plants in maybe 2-3 hours after it was dry never had a problem

good luck with the grow

ps i love the idea of growing inside a pc XD


Ok so an update on this one, the purple kush seed didnt really fully germinate. it popped a small tail after 1 day but then that never grew, so I just germinated 3 DQ seeds of unknown gender and they have all popped and been planted. My plan is to do either a mini sea of green in this pc box unless 2 are males then I will plant in the full size pot and train that 1 plant.


Ok guys all 3 DQ seeds have leaves at least poking out. The one that popped first was just in a rock wool cube, the tips of its tiny leaves started turning brown and im wondering if this is because i let the root grow out of the bottom and touch the plastic plate underneath or just cause its brown from the seed or something. Not to worried just curious.

I will be posting some pics up here pretty soon once they all have their first real set of leaves probably, Good day to everyone!


Alright, so after a few weeks of no updates here is the first real update for this grow. So this is a clone of a female OG plant that has now been flowering for about a week, I took the clone 1 week before I flipped it. The clone took root about a week ago and I transplanted it and it is now starting to grow again so I will start my updates.

The soil is Fox Farm Ocean Forest and I will be using dechlorinated tap water to water it. The box has 3 x 23 watt 5500k cfls in it that are currently too far away but I cannot get the grow box any closer due to the fan blocking the lip of the box on the other side (not pictured this time). when i switch to flowering I am going to go with 2 x 40 watt 2700k and 2x23 watt 2700k for a total of 126 watts which Im hoping will lead to a decent yield of around one ounce. Keep in mind this is OG so im not expecting anything spectacular.

Other than that you can see the tips of the old leaves are yellowing the new ones however are not and I attribute this to a change of soil medium from what I cloned in, which was just some generic potting soil.


Aha, a moment of great insight.

This has created some new problems including the side panel not closing entirely and with the fan on the outside the case is less stealthy, but you cant win them all and it still looks like a computer at a moments glance which is all I need.

Thanks again Spanky

Edit: thermometer is at ~ 77 F and humidity ~ 80%

Spanky's Monkey

Active Member
Can you mod the fan or case or both to get the clearance you need?
For the record most folks don't know squat about PC builds so an exterior fan may not be normal but it will go unnoticed for the most part.


Well-Known Member
^Do you think there is an issue with putting the hygrometer right on the soil like that? How long did you water before the 80% reading?

Have you been able to test against another hygro? I have a similar one and had to re-calibrate it.

Spanky's Monkey

Active Member
The hygro will will read your hand if you cup it for a second, lol. It most certain won't read right laying in the wet like that.


Im not too worried about the humidity because it would be very hard to influence it with the fan I have, runs at 75 cfm and the box is about 2 square feet. Plus the plant is at that level anyways so it would be the most accurate place to take a reading I feel. Anyways here is a pic, its been about 10 days now since I planted and since I moved the plant closer to the lights 2 days ago it has almost doubled in size already.
