Second post still don’t know what’s going on

Hello. Second time posting about this since the first time i got told it was a nutrient deficiency on here however, the plant is three weeks old so I don’t want to give it too many nutrients and then burn it which has happened to me before. Has anybody seen this before? The temps are at 76 degrees and 48 percent humidity in the tent and the tent is left open when the lights are on to help with heat. I’m using fox farm ocean forest soil that I mixed with dolomite lime to regulate ph. I’m gettin worried since it’s affecting new growth. Any help would be really appreciated!


70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
They are adapting to your slightly hot soil. That's the thing with FFOF, you never know if it's too strong or too weak. I just put some 3 week old plants outside. They are 6-8" tall and in Pro Mix and haven't been fed at all yet. look at my sig too lol


Well-Known Member
I use Pro Mix HP. Before that FFOF. You should’nt have to be feeding anything with that soil. Maybe a PK boost in flower along with some cal mag around weeks 4-5 of flower. Otherwise water it and wait. At first it might juke your plants like 70’s Natureboy said. It can be hot.
They are adapting to your slightly hot soil. That's the thing with FFOF, you never know if it's too strong or too weak. I just put some 3 week old plants outside. They are 6-8" tall and in Pro Mix and haven't been fed at all yet. look at my sig too lol
This sounds like the best and most reasonable advice I’ve gotten as of yet. I won’t add any nutrients however should I ph the water to 6.8 before watering them even if I put dolomite lime into the soil? I’m going to wait and see if with time the plant adapts to the soil.