Second stimulus soon?

hurts my heart to hear about that lemon tree.
Problem is it's like right in the middle of the yard, and it's a relatively small yard already with several other trees (orange, plum, avocado, plus several landscaping type trees). We like the lemon tree, just not where it is currently. I think if I can move it to the corner, it will be better for the tree anyway, as it will be less shaded by the avocado tree.
If it's not too big, maybe transplant it into a large pot, that way you can move it up against the house when it's cold out.
If it's not too big, maybe transplant it into a large pot, that way you can move it up against the house when it's cold out.
It's definitely too big. I'm just gonna dig a big hole at the back corner of the yard next to the rose bushes, dig it up, and drag it over there. Will need some sort of sled I think to move it, and cut it way back first too. Need to pick the lemons off first so I have lemonade ready for digging the hole breaktime.
We got my daughter an expensive trampoline a few years back. I think she was on it 10 times. Ended up giving it away. At least we didn’t lose a lemon tree.

BTW, this talk about an avocado tree blocking sunlight to your lemon tree is making me jealous. It’s -2 Celsius here right now. I miss California.
We got my daughter an expensive trampoline a few years back. I think she was on it 10 times. Ended up giving it away. At least we didn’t lose a lemon tree.

BTW, this talk about an avocado tree blocking sunlight to your lemon tree is making me jealous. It’s -2 Celsius here right now. I miss California.
My kids have had a trampoline before and used it a bunch, until our old dog destroyed most of it. I personally don't really care about it much, but it's important for my wife, so who am I to try to stop her? I made the best of it, and bought a new grow light as part of the deal, so can't complain too much. I got some overtime that hit right along with my tax refund and Biden Bucks all at the same time, so I gotta stimulate it up!

We got pretty lucky with our property and all the trees. A few years ago before we bought, I had a job offer at a University in Idaho, but ultimately declined because of the weather differences. When I went up for the interview in February is was freezing in Idaho, and when I got home I was greeted by 65F temps and sunny skies. It definitely helped to sway me to stay. Of course it costs me twice as much to buy my home here in Cali, and the pay isn't quite twice what I would make in Idaho, but I like the weather here enough to stay.
My kids have had a trampoline before and used it a bunch, until our old dog destroyed most of it. I personally don't really care about it much, but it's important for my wife, so who am I to try to stop her? I made the best of it, and bought a new grow light as part of the deal, so can't complain too much. I got some overtime that hit right along with my tax refund and Biden Bucks all at the same time, so I gotta stimulate it up!

We got pretty lucky with our property and all the trees. A few years ago before we bought, I had a job offer at a University in Idaho, but ultimately declined because of the weather differences. When I went up for the interview in February is was freezing in Idaho, and when I got home I was greeted by 65F temps and sunny skies. It definitely helped to sway me to stay. Of course it costs me twice as much to buy my home here in Cali, and the pay isn't quite twice what I would make in Idaho, but I like the weather here enough to stay.
I grew up in Redwood City, CA and I do miss the nice weather. Oranges, lemons, figs, apples all grew well in that soil. Also cherries. The Santa Clara area was famous for its cherry orchards in the mid 1900's. Then I moved to Boise and got to know what it's like to live in a different climate.

I don't miss the Bay Area but I do miss the weather. I can always buy lemons but it's not the same as the wealth that comes from your own.


Hate snow and ice. I hate it. People who grew up with it love it. But I'm still a Californian boy who believes that snow should only fall on ski slopes.
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..and Biden Bucks all at the same time, so I gotta stimulate it up!
Honestly, the "trickle up" theory makes a lot more sense that Reagan's trickle down economics. The thing is, poor people don't hoard money like the rich do, so it always ends up in the pockets of the rich at the end of the day anyway. Might as well make some sales tax and put products in the laps of the lower to middle class along the way.
Honestly, the "trickle up" theory makes a lot more sense that Reagan's trickle down economics. The thing is, poor people don't hoard money like the rich do, so it always ends up in the pockets of the rich at the end of the day anyway. Might as well make some sales tax and put products in the laps of the lower to middle class along the way.
local dollars circulate several times before it gets socked away by rent seekers.

It's time for rent seekers to pay for the budget busting unfunded "tax cuts" that were really just deferred taxes. Later is now.