second time


Active Member
a few years back, i planted a seed, i dont know if it was male or female.... but it grew pretty big.

i cut open a water bottle, put some soil inside, and taped the container back together with the top on.. i left it in there for a few weeks, when it looked bit and strong enough i replanted it in a big bucket in my backyard. then i forgot about it all summer. (from eitther may or june) but around september it had to be about 4ft tall. anyway i didnt know how to make it pod, so i up rooted it and said "Fuck it"

i wanna give it a real chance now, indoors. a buddy of mine said the HARD BROWN SEEDS ARE MALE and THE SOFTER GREEN ONES ARE FEMALE... (IS THAT TRUE?)
so i did what i do, :joint::hump: and saved the seeds, seperated them by color and planted in 3 foam cups, (after i let them sit in water overnight) like 15 males sprouted from my male cup. one from my female cup(that i knocked over before they sprouted). and like another 15 from my unisex cup(dont know if they were male of female. the were still lite green). the males are doing good. i seperated them by size to like 8 cups. only 4 of my uni's look like there growing. a few nights ago it was like 40degrees and i think that froze my unis. but im gonna seperate them today..

right now i have all the ones that are growing in a window seal.. at my other other house. ill check on them in a few days...

oh yeah, i used some semi-cheap top soil. in a couple days im gonna go get some good miricle grow and big flower pots.

FROM SEED TO PLANT? i heard like 3-6months

any suggestions


Active Member
ps. i did read a few of those very informal post that probably answerd my questions. i just wanted to ask


Well-Known Member
there is no truth to that statement. The small green seeds are immature and the brown ones with tiger stripes are mature seeds. There is no way to tell sex until your plants show pistils or balls. You have a lot of reading to do on the upper left hand corner of the page is the grow faq read it before asking any more questions. Don't use miracle grow it wil burn your plants. I use 1/3 perlite, 1/3 peatmoss (both not miracle grow) 1/3 mushroom compost. I add 1 tablespoon of dolomite lime to the mix.


Active Member
oh yeah...... thats good... seeds are makes sense, since the mature seed sprouted better...but i dont know what perlite and petmoss is :( but im guessing if i goto home depot i can find it.

and i wont get any mircacle grow, thats 4 sure
ima look ad the faq's again


Well-Known Member
you can find Schultz perlite at walmart that has no nute I get my peatmoss at lowes the name is Premier. The people will know what you are talking about. The lime is very important don't forget to use it!