secret iraq documentary


Active Member
First off your putting words in my mouth. Never said i was a hero. We beat down doors because the enemy was hiding in villages. You weren't there so you're speaking from what youve seen on tv and what you've heard. You also speak as if you have actually spoke to Iraqi's. You were in nam 40 fucking years ago and nam was nothing like iraq. This is still thd best country in the world and people like you who have this "this country has gone to shit" attitude are a disgrace to this country in my opinion vet or not. This is the kinda shit we had to come home to. War is ugly, actually horrific. I wish we could all pass around flowers and smoke a peace pipe and live happily ever after. That will NEVER happen as long as there are people like saddam on this earth. So go take your gerital and go to bed so i dont have to hear your beliefs that are obviously based on popular opinion.


Well-Known Member
Thank you (both) for your service...Ever seen a cheesy movie that came out before you were born called "Red Dawn"?...Trust me, if some foreign country came over here and fucked up the electricity shutting down my can bet I would be an insurgent. (and just for would not take messing with my grow...)

Med Man's opinion is valid and him voicing it is what makes this country great...not failed foreign policy.



Active Member
Thank you (both) for your service...Ever seen a cheesy movie that came out before you were born called "Red Dawn"?...Trust me, if some foreign country came over here and fucked up the electricity shutting down my can bet I would be an insurgent. (and just for would not take messing with my grow...)

Med Man's opinion is valid and him voicing it is what makes this country great...not failed foreign policy.

My friend, I am 38 years old and spent 15 years in the marine corp. So yes i remember red dawn. They wont invade our country because we have focused our last 100 years on our military.


Active Member
You know what. Id like to apologize. You guys may be right. I have a marine mentality. Its just I lost a lot of buddies and when we came home, we flew into san diego and were met with protesters and there signs. I can't help but get angry because I feel like my buddies died in vein. We all joined because we believe in freedom and the flag. What war makes sense? I do believe with all my soul that if we wouldn't have snatched up saddam it was just a matter of time before we would have paid for it dearly. A good offense is the best defense. And if you can sit here and prove to me that saddam wasn't a danger to our country or the world for that matter I will eat all my words.


Well-Known Member
Saddam was a threat to Kuwait...but not to Turkey, Saudi Arabia, or Iran or any other country...unless he pulled a fast one on you and forced you to buy Iraqi oil with Euros.

Not worth your friends lives or the trauma you and your family have and will endure or our good friends China holding our debt.

I am sorry that those idiots had the gall to protest at the guys were doing your jobs and were doing it for our country...the pussys that were protesting our Marines should have been waving their signs in Washington D.C.

I wish I would have gone to the airport to welcome you guys home. I for one am very happy that you guys made it home, and sad that so many did not come back whole or at all...most are so young. Multiple deployments...the strong wives and the poor kids. I worked at the San Luis Rey O' club during the war and before it closed...with few exceptions, only retirees cuz everybody was deployed.

Saddam was a threat to his own people and to the pilots playing chicken in the "no fly zone"...but not to the young families that left their homes to bravely serve our country...we were all duped by a fake cowboy...again.



Active Member
If we would've allowed saddam to gain control of Kuwait then it would have been Saudi. Do you realize what that means? He would have control 70% of the worlds oil. When we were attacking Afghanistan he was planning to attack kuwait because he thought we would be weak being all our resources would be looking in another direction. I saw it with my own eyes my friend. I was part of the convoy that crossed the river for the first time in 2003. I went back 4 times. What you were allowed to hear and what you heard are two different things. I know what you heard on tv. The conspiracy theorist were right about one thing. It was about oil. It was about not allowing saddam to gain control of it. If he would have he would have built an empire that no one ccouldve stopped. My buddies died for a reason.


Well-Known Member
I find it baffling that you guys can catch an unstopable empire builder in 9 months, yet the guy who actually attacked you and caused harm to your country and people is still out there in some cave after 9 years, unstopable. Who is ahead in this war on terror?


Active Member
I find it baffling that you guys can catch an unstopable empire builder in 9 months, yet the guy who actually attacked you and caused harm to your country and people is still out there in some cave after 9 years, unstopable. Who is ahead in this war on terror?
I'm not even going to respond to this question. You obviously know very little about what your talking about.


Well-Known Member
I find it baffling that you guys can catch an unstopable empire builder in 9 months, yet the guy who actually attacked you and caused harm to your country and people is still out there in some cave after 9 years, unstopable. Who is ahead in this war on terror?
I'll be your Huckleberry...His Empire Could! not extend beyond Kuwait...Couldn't beat Iran with help from the good ol' USA...But OBL had NOTHING to do with 9/11 and he has been dead for 7 or so years.

We need to get the Fook out of Afghanistan too...quick! Did you see today where Karzai admitted receiving regular sack fulls of Euros from the Iranian Ambassador...and said it is not big deal as it happens all the time!

This is the greatest damned country in the World...but our Government has been Lying to us for more than a generation at least. I know I'm crazy for not believing the BS that we have been told especially in the last 10 years...but anyone who believes the crap they feed us is about as gullible they come.



Well-Known Member
So kicking in doors in the middle of the night and dragging iraqis out of their beds kicking and screaminhg would be something you would be alright with here in the good old USA then? I'm sure their were some humanitarian monents, but the overall gist of the Iraqi "invasion" was to fuck over Iraqis. As you mentioned, they were considered less than human. the sad thing is, given the same living conditions as we have here, they would seem as human as us. Proof is in the fact that there are many Iraqis living here and I'm pretty sure their kids are not living in piss and shit. Yes Sadam was a dictator and treated his people badly, but ask most Iraqis and they would gladly take Sadam back if the American invasion and occupation would have never happened. We, The USA, fucked over that country so badly that it will never recover. There will be hundreds of thousands of cancers due to DU munitions that are lying all over the place. When the dust storms kick up the dust, millions of Iraqis have to breath that crap. I was in the Nam and we fucked over the citizens there, napalmed them, carpet bombed them, both north and south. I personally was not in a front line unit, but I saw the devestation first hand. Please don't tell me giving a few toys and candy bars makes us heros, thet's pure brainwash and bullshit.
Being that you served you should know that combat makes up a small percentage of what actually goes on in war. Soldiers, even in the biggest, baddest combat units spend relatively little time "dragging" people kicking and screaming out of their beds. Before being attached to 2nd recon battalion I was attached to 24th MEU and deployed to Somalia. We did see some combat but I personally spent a lot of time vaccinating somali children. Hell, even when we weren't doing that we were typically guarding food distribution centers which I would call pretty humanitarian. You should be ashamed of yourself attempting to paint American soldiers as heartless goons.:finger: