Secret Urban Grow

I decided to create an ongoing documentary of a secret urban grow!

I had been an member for many years, and I can say I physically cried when it was no longer.

Anyway, on that site (and here) there are/were lots of documented grows using the finest methods, feeds, and design concepts to create THE perfect environment for growing. I have designed secret indoor gardens to the best of specs.

But, what does someone do that does NOT have the means, space, security, or access to the perfect place for making a grow room or garden?

I am in just a situation this year, as I wasn't expecting to be in the US this summer, but here I am.

So, I am going to document a secret urban grow, not by using the latest greatest things available online, but by using only things easily available locally. Furthermore, with no yard, field, large rural area, to grow in, I will grow in areas that are inhabited by others. "Dead spots" I call them where people don't go, and are within city limits "just off the beaten path".

Naturally, it will be in a largely uncontrolled environment, and be in REAL TIME with pictures every week, and a blog updating everyone in how, where, and what obstacles were encountered so that YOUR secret urban grow will result in a success.

Last, my handle, Jonny Kendermag is a loosely parody to the common American legend, Johnny Appleseed, and the Hungarian word for Hempseed. The combination character Jonny Kendermag is an experienced soil, and aero grower who has had a sea of green (SOG) in the past.

I believe the knowledge of growing weed, so as to be self sufficient, should be spread the world over like seeds of happiness that bridges all our cultures in all our lands! So, without all the cartoon super hero crap, let's get it going :)

Let me know if anyone finds this endeavor of interest. I will get the pics sorted and together to progress from Day 1.

From Seed to VAPE !!!!


Active Member
I decided to create an ongoing documentary of a secret urban grow!

I had been an member for many years, and I can say I physically cried when it was no longer.

Anyway, on that site (and here) there are/were lots of documented grows using the finest methods, feeds, and design concepts to create THE perfect environment for growing. I have designed secret indoor gardens to the best of specs.

But, what does someone do that does NOT have the means, space, security, or access to the perfect place for making a grow room or garden?

I am in just a situation this year, as I wasn't expecting to be in the US this summer, but here I am.

So, I am going to document a secret urban grow, not by using the latest greatest things available online, but by using only things easily available locally. Furthermore, with no yard, field, large rural area, to grow in, I will grow in areas that are inhabited by others. "Dead spots" I call them where people don't go, and are within city limits "just off the beaten path".

Naturally, it will be in a largely uncontrolled environment, and be in REAL TIME with pictures every week, and a blog updating everyone in how, where, and what obstacles were encountered so that YOUR secret urban grow will result in a success.

Last, my handle, Jonny Kendermag is a loosely parody to the common American legend, Johnny Appleseed, and the Hungarian word for Hempseed. The combination character Jonny Kendermag is an experienced soil, and aero grower who has had a sea of green (SOG) in the past.

I believe the knowledge of growing weed, so as to be self sufficient, should be spread the world over like seeds of happiness that bridges all our cultures in all our lands! So, without all the cartoon super hero crap, let's get it going :)

Let me know if anyone finds this endeavor of interest. I will get the pics sorted and together to progress from Day 1.

From Seed to VAPE !!!!
hey, i've been thinking about doing something similar this year, trying to grow in the little areas around town that go unnoticed, or as you call them, 'deadspots'. i hear of people venturing far off into the forests to grow, and think why not grow nearer to home. is it a realistic possibility or a wild hope ?


Active Member
I plan on planting germinated seeds all over one of the country's most popular amusement parks, hehehehe.
I want to apologize for the lack of updates so far in this project. It was caused by a technical error (my laptop died yet again), which has caused me to find an alternate way of posting the updates!

It is all going well, and I tried to upload some pics of the progress almost 2 weeks ago (see pics I've uploaded to my gallery).

For some rason, it would not let me put the images in the text where i wanted them. :(

I will back fill in the posts I was planning on submitting as June goes on. There have been some discoveries if you will in things I've tried out of the ordinary, because it is a "using whatever is cheap and locally available" protocol.

As it stands now, we are a mere 17 days away from summer solstice, and outdoor growers know this is a critical date. It is the date when the days sart to get shorter and the plants realize the summer is fading, causing them to flower.

While we may be a bit behind due to a massive seed sprouting failure (2 out of 216) using a Burpee seed pod starter, they are progressing very well, and over 100 should be "field ready" meaning they are likely to survive in the wild in less than ideal conditions, which is what you are stuck with when doing an urban guerilla grow, such as this.....

Check out the pics I've uploaded and yu'll see they are rigid, sturdy plants that have been weather tested. I leave them out in all conditions except extreme winds (20 mph or higher), or thunderstorms (heavy rain that will beat down seedlings).

Whil it might seem inhumane to stress plants in the manner I have, remember that only the strongest will survive in the wild, so yu might as well sort out the casualties early so as not to be dissappointed later. Besides, it gives the survivors a better chance of not only surviving, but thriving as well.

This week, I will finalize the crucial task of picking the perfect spots, so they will grow undetected, and unharmed until October when they will be done.

4 months is a long time, and anything can happen.

Caution: If anyone is considering the same type of grow, and you live in wooded areas, DEER EAT WEED, yes it's true, as do many other rodents, such as rabbits. Snails/slug also will eat seedlings, as will many other small insects and rodents like rabbits.

I had deer eat 36 plants on me once that were sorrounded by oil, transmission fluid, dog hair, human piss (ON THE LEAVES), an they still ate them to the ground over a span of 2 weeks

Would like to see what others have done to combat this problem, and spots they've found and have planted successfully in.

I have what I think will be a good solution to this (a fenced in area) that will at least keep the deer at bay and off my grow!

Will share more in it this month, and the pros and cons we've run into up to this point, and why some things were done "unconventionally" with the idea of the finished mature plant in mind.

Thanks for the hits, replies, and interest! I think it's a subject people will benefit and learn from, and knowledge in most any form is good, especially if it's GROW KNOW! :)



Well-Known Member
those deer can be bastards. i know a grower who have put up a 5ft fence around their plants, but the deer were determined to get in, and they did. lol...
all the best luck friend.


Well-Known Member
Yo brotha !!! suscribed to this thread of adventurous fun wild weed growin!! i have wild boars where i grow and ever1 knos they kno how to fuk shit up so wat i do iz put chicken wire on top of the plant when iz still little & if u wanna be natural take sum clippins from sum thorn bushes then stake them in the ground around ur plant :bigjoint: ill be followin :leaf::blsmoke:OUT


Active Member
well dont go back too much... 5-0 might get you.. not every1 will be excited about this as you are.. usually 40-90 year old dick heads.... and even if they grow... you got a big chance of gettin punked'.... but good luck


Well-Known Member
My only advice on urban growing is make sure there will be no man made light hitting your girls after they start flowering. Considering sources of artificial night light is a must for urban growers!


Well-Known Member
I'd have to say this is going to be interesting. All i could say for advice is CAMOFLAGE! This will play a big factor
My only advice on urban growing is make sure there will be no man made light hitting your girls after they start flowering. Considering sources of artificial night light is a must for urban growers!
Yeah, that is an awesome point a lot of people never consider, direct artificial light fooling the plants. Some artificial lights may emit some portions of the spectrum.

Will be selecting spots this weekened and hoping to get them in the ground Monday at the latest. A Week from Sunday is the big day June 21.

Regarding the oil used; I do have a lot of respect for nature, but this was next to a storage/scrap yard for vehicles and was in a half circle. The plants were in uncontaminated soil, and the oil was never extended outside the boundaries of where it already was. Considering the fact there were no deer footprints in the actual perimeter that cars were stacked in, it seemed like a good idea, but it was not effective.

AWESOME TIP !!! On the deer repellant, that is totally unharmfull to plants or nature. A concoction like that never occurred to me (the hot sauce).

Got some update photos too.



Well-Known Member
lookin good when u gonna start puttin em in secret spots they look like theyre gettin to big for the container u put them in