Security of rollitup

lvl i k e y

Active Member
Growing is legal in some countries. not mine!!!!! how secure is the information that is discussed on this site? has anybody ever heard of somebody else getting busted on here?


Well-Known Member
Growing is legal in some countries. not mine!!!!! how secure is the information that is discussed on this site? has anybody ever heard of somebody else getting busted on here?
Assume that law enforcement is reading your posts and act accordingly.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
Not yet, but the FCC just took control of the internet.

Who knows how far they will go in the years to come.

Sites like these will definately be blocked in certain areas if not shut down altogether.

And as for all the info stored on the servers, well who knows.

lvl i k e y

Active Member
I'm saying how smart is it for all of the people on here showing their pictures of their HUGE crop stashes and their location says something like FLORIDA. i guess florida is huge. but. how safe is it?

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
I'm saying how smart is it for all of the people on here showing their pictures of their HUGE crop stashes and their location says something like FLORIDA. i guess florida is huge. but. how safe is it?
This is why I've never posed a picture on this or any other site.

I knew they were coming sooner or later to regulate the web and all it's content.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Growing is legal in some countries. not mine!!!!! how secure is the information that is discussed on this site? has anybody ever heard of somebody else getting busted on here?
I'm pretty sure it's not legal anywere, it's just different degrees of PeePee wackage.

lvl i k e y

Active Member
oh really. i thought maybe in some of them 3rd world countries their gov. just didnt give a shit. shows what i know. thanks for the answers though guys i'll be sure to be more discrete about information im putting out here

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
If it's on the net, anyone can see it. Even for paid membership sites as anyone with a credit card can purchase a membership.
Now text is just that, its text. That doesn't really prove anything. Anyone can talk shit without doing anything. Posting pics is another thing as that shows that your not only talking, but are doing something. Pics can also have hidden info such as camera settings, serial number, and on smart phones with a camera possibly GPS location of where the pic was taken.
Don't post pics or personal information. If you know how to strip the meta data from your pics before uploading then that really helps your security. If you don't know how to do that, don't post pics.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
It's easy to get wrapped up in the paranoia of the way things are...there is enough of it on this forum IMO. the reality is, unless someone sells you out, or youre obvioulsy and flagrantly breaking the laws (read: being a total loudmouth moron), I think that most of the law enforcement watching 99% of the people on here could give a shit less because busting that 99% would be more trouble than its worth, or that they are causing.

But in reality, these are mostly hobby growers that arent bothering anybody, and THEY know this already.


Well-Known Member
the only thread I came accross wasn't here but on a mush site. But, the dude sent some lc through the usps and the package was narcd out by a third person who had an unrelated bust but was a member of the same forum. The cops busted into the recievers house with a warrent and siezed the dudes comp and so the sendee got busted. But, mushroom cultivation is a huge difference from growing bud. Period. Sending lc through the mail is too stupid to comprehend, especially when the peeps talked openly about it on a thread. Swapping spores is legal in all but 3 states while live mic is legal nowhere on the planet.

If I had a huge grow op I would be worried about pics (live in a nonlegal place) but less then a 2 or 3k grow is not a big enough deal for leo, unless someone informs due to you being a big mouth in your area ( friends knowing about your grow)

My opinion.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
It's easy to get wrapped up in the paranoia of the way things are...there is enough of it on this forum IMO. the reality is, unless someone sells you out, or youre obvioulsy and flagrantly breaking the laws (read: being a total loudmouth moron), I think that most of the law enforcement watching 99% of the people on here could give a shit less because busting that 99% would be more trouble than its worth, or that they are causing.

But in reality, these are mostly hobby growers that arent bothering anybody, and THEY know this already.
That's true, but I like to err on the side of caution myself when it comes to posting photo's and whatnot.

Like you said, just lay low and you'll be fine.

lvl i k e y

Active Member
It's easy to get wrapped up in the paranoia of the way things are...there is enough of it on this forum IMO. the reality is, unless someone sells you out, or youre obvioulsy and flagrantly breaking the laws (read: being a total loudmouth moron), I think that most of the law enforcement watching 99% of the people on here could give a shit less because busting that 99% would be more trouble than its worth, or that they are causing.

But in reality, these are mostly hobby growers that arent bothering anybody, and THEY know this already.

hobby growers? Sure but who isnt using their hobby to get them high? ILLIGALLY? If your a "hobby grower" grow something like tomato plants why grow something thats going to potentially get you into trouble if your really into the hobby of growing.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
hobby growers? Sure but who isnt using their hobby to get them high? ILLIGALLY? If your a "hobby grower" grow something like tomato plants why grow something thats going to potentially get you into trouble if your really into the hobby of growing.
I think that what Ruiner was saying is that they don't consider hobby growers enough of a concern to crack down on them.

Provided that they don't make waves give themselves a high profile.

Just keep below their radar and you'll likely not get into any trouble.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
I saw on one of the MSNBC shows a guy who was state compliant and did a TV interview, guess who showed up on his steps, the DEA. The agent in charge said "What am i supposed to do?" the guy basically was thumbing his nose at the feds and they felt obliged to give him some attention.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
I saw on one of the MSNBC shows a guy who was state compliant and did a TV interview, guess who showed up on his steps, the DEA. The agent in charge said "What am i supposed to do?" the guy basically was thumbing his nose at the feds and they felt obliged to give him some attention.
That's correct.

The Fed's don't give a damn about what's legal in your state.

It's illegal everywhere as far as they're concerned.

It's time to be extra careful folks.

Brick Top

New Member
Growing is legal in some countries. not mine!!!!! how secure is the information that is discussed on this site? has anybody ever heard of somebody else getting busted on here?

Since I have been a member I do not recall reading about anyone who was busted because of anything they wrote here or because of pictures they have posted here. But I have been a member of many sites like this and over the years there have been a handful of people who were busted because of things they wrote and or pictures they posted on those growing sites.

Go under the assumption that the site is monitored at least part time or from time to time and do not write anything that might be too revealing and if you post pictures make sure that there is nothing that will show up in any of them that might give you away or be a clue as to how to track you.

On one site I was a member of a guy took pictures of his basement grow. In one pictures part of his furnace was seen. On it was a sticker with the name, address and telephone number of the heat-a/c company that installed and serviced it. Someone spotted it, passed the info on to the local authorities, they went to the heat-a/c company and leaned on them a bit to get customer information and showed the owner and employees the pictures and questioned them to see if any recognized anything and in the end the guy was busted.

That is just one of a handful of events that have occurred over the years because someone was not as cautious as they should have been. Had the guy looked at his pictures very closely and spotted the sticker he could have cropped the picture or not used that one and he would not have been busted.

Another I just remembered was of an outdoor grow. The guy lived in a very rural area very close to the Atlantic Ocean. He had numerous individual plots/grows behind his house. He posted pictures of each but also posted one that he must have taken from a hillside or possibly an upstairs deck or something that showed much of the area behind where he lived. You could see a series of towers, power line towers I believe, and the ocean and a single two lane road. In other messages he said what state he lived in and the general area, like central or southern or whatever, it's been to many years to remember it all that clearly now. Evidently someone put the pieces of the puzzle together and tracked the power lines along the coast that ran near a two lane road in the general area he said he lived. He was busted.

If you are small time, growing only for yourself and you do not do or say anything stupid you will, like most people, be safe. If you are big time and you show a grow that makes you look like you supply half your state or your entire county and you give little tidbits of where you are and then make just one single error with a picture ... you could be the next person I tell others about how people on sites like this can, from time to time, get busted due to not playing it safe.


King Tut
I saw the same documentary. And he's right. He has a job to do and if someone comes out like that idiot in Co and does a TV interview and tour of your grow op, he's going to come arrest you. That's kind of like walking up to the local police station and stealing their flag(Yes, a couple friends did it in HS and got away with it for 3 weeks until someone ratted them out).


Well-Known Member
I saw on one of the MSNBC shows a guy who was state compliant and did a TV interview, guess who showed up on his steps, the DEA. The agent in charge said "What am i supposed to do?" the guy basically was thumbing his nose at the feds and they felt obliged to give him some attention.
that idiot wasn't thumbing his nose @ the feds, he was dragging his nuts across their faces; effectively forcing them into action; not a good idea. anybody who doubts that everything discussed here or anywhere else on the web is monitored, you need to google Information Awareness Office, it's a DARPA project that was officially shelved but continues to receive federal funding. It comes down to economics (big surprise, huh?) and manpower allocations. What's going to get them more funding: shutting down another drug cartel-constructed border-bypass tunnel or busting Joe Sixpack with 6 plants? Truth be told, they WANT us to grow if it means keeping dollars out of cartel hands; they just don't want us getting rich off of it! and they damn sure don't want to see us bragging about it on TV if we do!!! :)