All phones do. The problem with that is that many people, myself included, like having location tags in place so they can find photos from when they travel. Having the site do this, automatically, would be a great service to the members because many people don’t realize they are revealing their growing locations when they upload photos. I personally take every picture I want to share here, upload it to Imgur, then download that photo, and load it to this site. It’s a pain for me to do but it’s they only way I’ve found, so far, that doesn’t require me to send the photos to a PC to be stripped of their location data.My Galaxy S8 has the option in the gallery settings to turn off time and location of pictures taken.
Prior to uploading on riu you can remove sensitive security information from your photos.
Most regular cameras will displace things like time,shutter speed etc.
However iphones and androids and other cellular devices often leave behind a GPS trail in the photos possible outing your location. It is best to remove your location so you can have peace of mind.
Generally our users would not disclose your location nor look for it, however this simple trick will help you to have peace of mind
You will need the use of a computer to upload your photos onto from your mobile device.
Excuse my goofy looking dog .
Open the photo , and right hand click "Properties (highlighted below)"
View attachment 3526534
Click the circled area "Remove properties & Personal Information"
View attachment 3526535
STEP 3: Click " Remove the following properties from this file" and then click "Select All" & "Okay"
Now you're ready to upload!
View attachment 3526536
It’s possible I could forward it to the admin@sunni Would it be possible for you guys to look into this free XenForo Add-On? This seems to do exactly what we are asking about and I think it would be a great service to those who don't realize they are uploading images that reveal where they live or have grow ops.
Attachment Improvements By Xon
A collection of improvements to XF's attachment system. Byte-range support for resumable downloads Primarily designed for partial content requests for streaming videos, but will work with any file Dependant on the filesystem /
Much appreciated, thanks!It’s possible I could forward it to the admin