security tricks of the trade


Well-Known Member
When growing, what tricks do you use for security. I grow outdoors in 5 gal buckets. I always bury the buckets. And if I have to I can rip the buckets out in a few seconds. What do you do for your indoor outdoor grow for secrecy and security


Well-Known Member
I grow in a walk in closet that is directly above my stairs.

The closet used to open into my spare bedroom. Which has since become my sons bedroom.

So I had to create a new door in MY bedroom.

Then I also erected a stud wall out of 2x2 framework with dry wall and insulation. From the wall with the door in it to the opposite wall. Creating a 3.5ftx12ft corridor down to the closet. This corridor has all my nutrients and ballast etc in it. It also doubles as my drying area.

I then put a simple frame together that is 4ftx2.5ft and used hardboard to cover it. This is my concealed door. It is wallpapered just like the rest of the room and has a shelving unit in front of the door.

Seems alot but I have people round quite often and no one knows a thing. Lol.



Well-Known Member
Theres the three L's of smell, no tell, no sell....if u live by that u can grow for a long time


Well-Known Member
Thats cool jondamon. Me and a buddy built a secret room similar. We framed half a closet and removed a furnace then we used paneling for a door and put the furnace face on the panel. We used a piano hinge and screwed it to a bookcase and put a bedframe wheel underneath. Also had an escape hatch in the room. It was well hidden. My buddy told too many ppl and cops came looking for it and did not find it. The door to the room was awesome. Looking at the door it was a bookcase and looked like a furnace behind it. Completely sealed too


Active Member
I'm currently working on an IR barrier for my cab using 1.5" rigid foam insulation. with the exception of a few of the seams (wip), it works rather well only reading 68f on the exterior of the cab ( using a Fluke IR thermometer) nothing is visible from the street using a night vision scope. I have a lot of ghetto birds cruising around overhead during the summer so I doubled up the foam on top.


Well-Known Member
big dogs. i cannot up and move my plants when i want cuz their in the ground. if you can remove your plants @ any time so can someone else.

i understand even with them in the ground there a machete swipe away from being out of the ground to its not full proof.
but i will either have dogs and motion sensor for harvest time. or camping out there in a tent and a motion sensor lol


Well-Known Member
I'm currently working on an IR barrier for my cab using 1.5" rigid foam insulation. with the exception of a few of the seams (wip), it works rather well only reading 68f on the exterior of the cab ( using a Fluke IR thermometer) nothing is visible from the street using a night vision scope. I have a lot of ghetto birds cruising around overhead during the summer so I doubled up the foam on top.
I would just use cfl' heat signature and hardly any electric consumption and u dont have to build anything extra. Plus its easier to control temps


Well-Known Member
One time a cop came to the house looking for someone who used to live there. We were talking and I had a plant outside. We were within 10 ft of it and the cop didnt see it. I was ready to crap myself...


Well-Known Member
Don't owe anyone favours, make them think they owe you, if someone finds out about your grow, and you owe them something, they might ask to get something for free, it doesn't work if you owe nothing.

Keep people that don't belong at your grow, out of your grow. I've been at the"farm" and had someone ride up on us, to give me a ride home. She didn't know that we were about 200M from 30 ganja plants, because I was right there at the street waiting.

Keep your job. I have a big outdoor grow right now, that I'm counting on to help with rent and other bills, I got waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too complacent, feeling like in a little while I'm not gonna need this job anymore, I should cut back on my hours etc, and my boss canned me without warning (I'm thinking its cause my dude at the time came up to my job once to often, keep this shit and personal shit like your job far far apart) Now I'm racing around, trying to come up for rent for this month, trying to come up with a legit reason I don't have to move 7 miles down the road back into my parents house (they don't smoke anything, not even tobacco) by the end of the month! I did find a job, now its just a race to get my paycheck, I still don't care how many hours I get, I still "won't need the job" in a little while, BUT my boss doesn't need to know that, the boss only needs to know that I'm available whenever he/she needs me (which i hope isn't 8 days a week like my last job...) Also having a job means I don't pay ALL of my bills with cash, and I get to deposit money into my bank account every once in a while when I cash a paycheck


Active Member
I would just use cfl' heat signature and hardly any electric consumption and u dont have to build anything extra. Plus its easier to control temps
yeah but my 400 watt MH produces nearly double the lumens and with the cool tube the heat isnt really an issue since I typically run my ac anyways
Check this out- just for example since I have one laying around
a 42watt Feit electric 6500k cfl produces 2800 lumens, I would have to use 9.5 of them to equate 400watts- providing me with 26600 lumens
now my 400 watt phillips Metal Halide produces 42600 lumens and really only raises the temp in my box to about 75f when my room (with the ac) is about 70f on average.
even with the cfl's I would still be using my exhaust fan.
I'll have to play around with the cfls a bit more but in my experience they still put off some heat.


Well-Known Member
Heat signatures aren't going to get you busted. Even in the exceptional case where this technique were used, it would be tossed by any judge before it even went to trial. Anyway, if you are able to use CFL's for your grow, you're not big enough to put out a heat signature of any significance.

There really is only one reason that people get caught the vast majority of the time.

They tell someone.

But they ONLY told their one bro from high school and they've known each other for like, 3 years man. They're like brothers... Like the kind of brother that will roll on you so the cops wont call his parents when he gets busted at a keg party.

Or even worse... girlfriends. I mean, sooooulmates. I mean EX-girlfriends. I mean jealous ex-girlfriends. You know what I mean.



If you follow this simple rule I promise you will not get busted.

Secret rooms, hidden doors & false walls are bad ass no matter what. Setting up a grow in them makes them even more bad ass.


Active Member
Or even worse... girlfriends. I mean, sooooulmates. I mean EX-girlfriends. I mean jealous ex-girlfriends. You know what I mean.



Well-Known Member
for every person that knows your 10% + or minus 5% to getting busted for sure...would you gamble with your ten fingers like this? so 5 people you stand a 50% chance of losing your stuff going to jail or even just getting your door kicked in by dope fiends and crack addicts...or having no fingers on one hand ;)