

Well-Known Member

this is my first post on here, I hope to learn alot from you guys. My main concern is security. My neighborhood isn't the best, The cops are out here at least evey other day. about every other month I see the boys out with the k9's. My question is If I have a small to medium setup would the dogs be able to smell it from outside? I don't feel 100% comfortable due to all the drama in my area. Thanks in advance and if there any other security tips they would be greatly appreciated.

I know it's kind of a


Active Member
you should have no problems with the smell outside of your house. just make a carbon filter to suck up the smell.


Active Member
When you say neighborhood, is this like a trailer park or a sub-division or an apartment building? Dogs walking the halls of my apt building wouldn't work for me, lol. But if the cops drive-by once in a while going somewhere else? I could live with that. I don't know, but I'm guessing a dog could smell some skunky weed even after a carbon filter IF you exhaust outside. They need so little with their noses. But if you aren't venting outside, I bet they would have a hard time picking up on you if you had a proper carbon filter going. But I'm just guessing. What are they doing with the dogs? Just walking the streets?


Well-Known Member
I live in a row home in the city. I own the house so I don't have to wrry about landlords or anything. The closest the dogs would be is the sidewalk, which is only 4 ft from my front door. There is lot of drug activity around here so it seems they bring the dogs everytime they serve a warrant, that's only speculation, I just see them around every once in a while.

I was thinking, I have two pittbulls that bark at everything so it would be only natural for the sheppard to bark back. Maybe the polce would just ignore the dog.

Another question I have is, since all the drug activty is crack and heroin would those dogs be trained for that or are they multi talented?

Sorry for the long post of random thoughts all info is appreciated



Well-Known Member
Dogs are very veryyyy good when finding smell.. They can pick up odors maybe 50 feet away or more... When i took my german shepherd for training, the most interesting thing they would do was the smell/find training. My dog found a piece of meat that was under ground, in a small chest wrapped in a bag. He did not know where it was burried.

from what they tell me.. dogs' sense of smell works this way..

If you cook chicken soup.. humans smell JUST SOUP... Dogs can smell the chicken... the spices used... the water... the herbs used.. the noodles.. whatever... they can smell individual scents even when mixed..

Like people say coffee works to hide weed... No it doesn't they can easily find weed in any type of substance that tries to mask marijuana... unless its some really strong chemical that will burn the nose.. Like hot sauce?

I dont know... if a dog is trained well enough.. to enough strains.. and even trained to sense what a marijuana plant growing smells like.. chances are it will find it...

I may be wrong..


Well-Known Member
But dried marijuana and the smell from the plants is not exactly the same. It is also no where near as potent when growing than if dried. I would bet even if the dogs smelled something, they wouldn't know where it was coming from, and they probably aren't sniffing for drugs 100% of the time they are out there. They only do that when told to. (I may be wrong)


Active Member
i live in dorms and i have had dogs walk the hallway and have a 3 plant grow set up in my room. All you need to do is have a fan blow exaust air out so the air underneath the door sucks in. The dogs have never pointed at my door


Well-Known Member
i live in dorms and i have had dogs walk the hallway and have a 3 plant grow set up in my room. All you need to do is have a fan blow exaust air out so the air underneath the door sucks in. The dogs have never pointed at my door
Thats just dumb. Why would yould you risk getting caught growing in a dorm room??? Have you lost your mind?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the feedbck esspecialy blonddie. I Think I'll wait till i can stack up enough money to get out of here before i set up my grow op. Since growing would obviosly help with my financial goal, What do you guys think about vegging one or two plants on the third floor and take clones outdoors?I know it's to late for this year but I think by next spring i could have a couple monster mothers. I want to maximize my risk to benefit ratio so all advice is apprecited.


Active Member
Im growing in my dorm room because I have a NV licence to grow 7 plants. The cops don't no that though so thats why i said the dogs didnt do anything when the walked by my room. can doga smell non-flowering plants though. They are like a good 8 inches tall