Sediment buildup.


Active Member
Ahh. you raised some good points. I guess i should have considered that. I do worry about root and bud rot. Air flow is excellent. The humidity is around 45%. Is that good enough? I am glad that you point out my noob lack of insight. It is definitely something i need to consider. And number of plants will now be a glaring highlight. I will research that and see the threshold of punishment. Again i feel like a deer in the headlights. Doh!


Well-Known Member
Your humidity level is good for flowering, that and your good air-circulation you should have no problems with bud mold. Yeah, depending on your state laws that might change your game plan around.


Active Member
Well good then. It seems i have done most of my homework. I am researching your last point right now.

On a bright note i just got back from a three day trip. I did some tweaking before i left to the timers and tray angles, water height etc... HOLY SHIT.
Wow is all i can say. The love i showed is paying me back three fold. I am in awe.

Also those 8"-10" clones i put out last week already have roots coming out of the bottom of the basket. So the once a day watering sure does the trick. I cut off at least 2 weeks of veg time with this technique. I am so inspired. I love these things. I almost hate to kill them when they are done. On a sober note. I was told that a strain of clones has a shelf life. I never considered that before. Have you run into this? How long did yours last? I am being told anywhere from 6-8 months before they start not growing right. I am already getting geared to start a "Big Bud" strain in another month or so. Just thought i would breeze those questions by you. And again thank you so much for all of your help. =)


Well-Known Member
That's awesome that everything is going great. Hey, glad to help. I figure most of us are here for the same reasons. What are you refering to by shelf life of clones? You can turn a clone into a mother and keep her for at least a year, if the plant's happy.


Active Member
Yes, that is it. After that how can i keep the strain going? It saddens me that my beloved Bubblegum will die out. I suppose the Big Bud seeds will help assuage my angst. But it is still a shame. I would love to further along the strain and keep it going. How do i do that?


Well-Known Member
When you feel it's nearing time to kill or flower your mother take a bunch of clones and chose the best one to be the new mother, at least that's what I would do. Who knows how long you could do that for before the strain starts to degrade and they begin to lose their vigor, maybe five years, ten years? Just keep your mothers as happy as you can.


Active Member
Ding dang. More good advice. I was told by the person who gave these to me that the person he got it from was finding it losing its vigor. He said something about 6-10 months. I have already switched mothers. i am on the second generation of them. They are doing wonderful. I just did not know if there was a viable way to seed these girls without messing things up. And if i did, what strain would i use? Again, noob question. LOL


Well-Known Member
I don't really know much about breeding, all I know is the old fashion way were you grow out some seeds, select a male, collect the pollen, and dust a female. Grow out those seeds and pick out the best female. There is more to it than that, you're supposed to backcross it a couple of times to the mother for some reason. It'll take a year or two by the time your done and you have to have a completely seperate area for the males. It would be easier to order seeds. There is a breeding forum somewhere on here that will probably have some good threads with the info you're looking for.


Active Member
Wow. i guess your are right. I never realized what an ordeal that would be. Screw it. To the seed banks i will go. LOL. As always, thanx for the solid advice.


Well-Known Member
No worries, glad to help. Yeah ordering seeds is much easier and there is plenty of breeder's out there with a good bubblegum strain.


Active Member
Well the girls are in their 3rd week of 12/12. They have grown to 20" plus since moving them. They were at about 12" when i put them in. The training has worked wonders keeping the outer plants leaning about of the tray giving me more yield. I tweaked the lights, venting them together and "T'ing" them out a vent. I did this in both rooms. They are looking absolutely awesome. I also rooted 5 clones that came off of some really wicked Indica strain, that is some of the most potent shit i have ever seen. It came from a good bag that has several seeds in it. So i am going to do a tray of each. I got my first harvest from the 1 plant. Got almost three z's.' It is stout as hell and very potent. I just wish i knew what the hell it is so when the time comes i can replace it. As the newest tray start to bud i will upload some photos. It is the least i can do after all of your help. If you ever get a chance i would love to see some of yours.



Well-Known Member
That's a good little yeild for one plant. Glad everything thing is going good for you. Can't wait to see some pics.


Active Member

The top pic is a tray that is 1 month away from ready. They grew at least a foot in the past 2 weeks.All Bubble Gum. The next tray is a mix of Bubble Gum and White Widow. The widow is the dark green and stout plants. They will be ready in several weeks.


Well-Known Member
Shit yeah! I guess you got the picture thing figured out. Good bud shots, the widow's look-like they're gonna be mean. What's up with the bubblegums in the same tray looking droopy? You definitely seem to have your hands full. Good job.


Active Member
The Bubblegums are a really slender and delicate plant. The last pic's of the new tray shows them all growing toward the light. They are also acclimating. Did you think the rest look droopy? I should have turned them before snapping the pic. But i am going to have to do something to keep them vertical. As they get heavier, it is more difficult.

Anyway , yes my hands are full. Any comments or critiques would be appreciated. Did you notice i got those covers you were talking about?

Please tray and show me some pics. I am dying to see some one else's project in action.