See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

Hey guys - for real... America is the biggest example of too much money and not enough to do. George likes to spend it killing any one !!!!!!
Happy day

Idk if its because you said this in 06, but OMG we are in debt soo bad were like one of the countries with the most debt. If we have sooo much money, this would not be true.
Yea he SPENT it killing people, and BORROWED to kill people. And now we suck, fuckin Bush man.
Soon the gov will own all the banks if they don't already.Like they don't get enough revenue from taxes they are the reason this economy is in the shitter in the end the gov will own everything by bailouts what a great place to live lol when will we start paying for the air we breathe
i didnt read all the 11 pages here, but i would agree with the idea that they are wasting our $$. I mean, how the hell do we have a $70 billion bailout account, and these guys that are getting laid off from gmac, the ceo's, theyre signing off with millions of dollars, that are coming from this bailout money!! they have the ability to get this money to save their company, and then take it for their personal liking? wtf, i read in the paper the other day some fucker worked for gm for only 4 months, and got laid off and received $3.2 million. 4 fuckin months. sorry to rant, but this shit pisses me off so bad, i want to take a baseball bat to W's face XXXX times for putting us in this recession
I think America is in serious need of some protesting. Because every american I've talked to has a problem of how our government and leaders are leading. Now it may be because I live in California, but idk. I think thats bullshit to dude.
I was never a fan of protesting but i am also not a fan of uncle sam.If its a protest it should be nationwide by the millions that would be something...Lets do it
Yea man thats what I mean. Like a massive group of people who are fed up. I say we all do it and take over the land and decide we dont need the intervention of other souls. It'll go down in human history until were gone.
I think America is in serious need of some protesting. Because every american I've talked to has a problem of how our government and leaders are leading. Now it may be because I live in California, but idk. I think thats bullshit to dude.

Yea its partly your location.. but also because everyone can't agree on what the problem is. A lot of the people I hear bitching about the government don't even understand basic economic issues, supply and demand, etc... You have 100 whiners for every person who has true passion for what they believe, and the intellect to formulate a plan and push for change. I agree though of course.. people need to band together and protest.
to all who read this go to th website there is two movies both are two hours in length and if you want the truth about everything that is in this thread you will find it there
Uh huh.... sure.

Just to clarify a small's not your money, it belongs to the Govt. If you don't believe me, then don't pay your tax BILL and find out what happens... :lol:

As for protesting.... pishtaw... you just missed the chance to do something, but in everyone being so excited about OBAMA, they forgot to vote against Congress. There was your chance at a protest!! You don't reelect a Congress with an 8% approval rating.....every candidate up for reelection this last cycle should've been turned out.....every one, no matter the party affiliation.

You missed your chance to send a message that would be far more effective than any protest..... our founding fathers were wicked clever..... but we as a people need to be smart enough to wield the tools of power.

out. :blsmoke:
our forefathers were fuckin geniouses. Who exactly chooses congress? It couldnt be us, because i didnt have anything like tht on the ballot. Might be a stupid question but w/e ill find out.
Wow. I just read this whole thread and someone really needs to make a WORLD WIDE protest day. It needs to be huge though... This really is sad.
Every generation has felt it. It's just one of those things you talk about on your way to the mall to pick up some sneakers and knock down some chili fries. You'll get over it. You live in a country which allows you to. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:
No dude, everyone feels it. Old people feel it, I feel it, freinds feel it, strangers feel it. Its happening. 2012 shit.
We just elected the very keenest black dude as President..... still not happy? :lol:

revolution against Obama? wha??? can I dress up like Che? I've always wanted to look like a thug. :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:
YOu think jsut because hes black means he cant be the man? Seriously, hes no better then any other president. Just because he was smart enough to fool millions of people with the word "Change", doent mean shit. Yea theres change, now we have a liberal in the white house, thats not enough fuckin change for me. Were all supposed to listen to their rules.....why? They make rules to protect us right? They would never make us obey laws that are in their favor would they? Oh and btw we have a half african-american half caucasian president so that must make all that true. We pay them our money, OUR MONEY, that they pretty much consider theirs. Well at least they dont take our possesions right? Wrong they have the right under their laws to come into your home and take anything they want. If your gonna set up a democratic republic, that puts much emphasis on personal ownership of things, I think they should actually try to believe in it. Isnt them considering our possesions theirs, communism? HMMMMM.

All government does is stunt our evolution as kind human beings, and enables us to rely on others for personal problems. They keep us from true independence and true liberty. Talk about taking my rights away, OUR rights away, if a global or national disaster happens, the man, under his laws has the power to place you where ever they want, and treat you however they want. I'm a good person, I dont steal from people, I dont harm others, I dont peddle meth to 7 year olds, yet I have to listen and obide by laws of man, which I didnt have a say in.

People say without structure or government, we'd all perish. But would it? Have we tried it? There has been times of anarchy, but really only in times of disaster. Never has anyone ever tried a period of no government during an era of peace. IF you people are scared to give it up, dont be. Police protect people, sure its what they do, but does everyone need protecting? Weakness comes from hiding behind other and letting them overcome your problem. While you get weaker, they become stronger. So what happens when they're the strongest? Who knows.

Bottom line, somethings coming, and the governments(maybe not all but most) will screw you people so bad. They'll take all the politicians and law enforcement, and military, into refuge, while all of us are left to fend for ourselves. That'll be fine in my mind, however they will still prolly police us while the rest of em are safe and hiding.


If the revolution doesnt happen now, it'l happen later. But it will happen, and it wont be that much later.