See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

This is the best thing he has done so far. he needs to focus on the USA and not the world... he needs to close all military bases across the globe (except here at home) and bring the troops home... 50% of our taxes go to this massive death machine of a military.. he could cut that in half and use the xtra 25% saved on investing in the USA

HAHA ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Close all military bases across the globe and bring the troops home, what are you a tree hugger? We need a military presence EVERYWHERE.. do you think enemies of the USA are just going to leave us alone when we close military bases in *hot zones* ? Your crazy
If i was kidding i would of said so! Simple as that! Go on with your wars and sticking your gun down peoples throat across the globe but remember this! The pen is bigger then the sword! And yes I am a tree hugger.. you got a problem with that???

HAHA ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Close all military bases across the globe and bring the troops home, what are you a tree hugger? We need a military presence EVERYWHERE.. do you think enemies of the USA are just going to leave us alone when we close military bases in *hot zones* ? Your crazy
A sword is much bigger than a pen.

You may be TRYING to say... the pen is mightier than the sword.

Okay, continue on with ur .. fantastically formed thoughts.
If i was kidding i would of said so! Simple as that! Go on with your wars and sticking your gun down peoples throat across the globe but remember this! The pen is bigger then the sword! And yes I am a tree hugger.. you got a problem with that???

Then what?Put up a wall?This will be a prison continent for sure then.Land of the free.Home of the brave.never heard Pacifist in that song.I made 2 trips to the sandbox and I would go back in a second.Are you an American GE?All this freedom you enjoy was won with the blood of our military.That is why you are free to hug you're tree's.:blsmoke:
We're not based all around the world because we want to. We need to. Guess what, the rest of the world lives in shadow compared to the beacon of light which exudes from the USA.

Things aren't glitter and fun times around the world, it's the opposite.
Apparently you all need a reality check. We only get our freedom by forcing the rest of the country to get on there knees as we point out guns at the back of their head. This is not true freedom we enjoy, it is forced freedom. What would you do if china came and put a military base in every country, and in your back yard. if china told you that you must live there lifestyle becausee its the best and it promotes freedom. If they forced you to obey their communist laws. I bet you wouldnt put up with it for one minute, until they pulled out a machine gun and blew ur head off for not obeying their laws.

you all are in complete shadow and need a serious reality check, we are a fucked up country and i would rather have true freedom then forceing the world to lay on there bellies while we stick a gun in the back of their head, just so we can have freedom??? its a disgrace and people like you are all the same

you dont see canada doing this and they have alot of freedom?!?!?!
This thread is hilarious. America does not have military bases all around the world to protect its security, they are there to protect its influence and interests at the cost of its security. There is a significant difference between saying that the countries consent to the bases rather than the governments of these countries consenting to them. Not that these bases really matter anyway its just a drop in the bucket.

Maybe people in foreign countries don't like America because it's government has a bitter disregard for anyone but itself and it's rich supporters(which does not include most of the American population) no matter what "party" is in control.
I can see why this thread is so dead. With you trolls prowling around here demanding that your thoughts are the only ones thats right, you have ran off most people that are here. You left wing nutz are all the same.

I can see why this thread is so dead. With you trolls prowling around here demanding that your thoughts are the only ones thats right, you have ran off most people that are here. You left wing nutz are all the same.


Uh,,Fuck Obama :bigjoint:
Agreed! I voted for him because McAine is totally against marijuana and Obama showed a grams worth of sympathy for medical marijuana patients. If McCain would have won then he would continue Bush's war against MMj patients. Obama, despite my regret of voting for him, did write a better policy to protect MMj patients (although he needs to make it law) that is the 1 thing that he has done good and thats it.

Uh,,Fuck Obama :bigjoint: