See What Some People are Getting Done (Farming 101)

To whom
it may
Please take note: We are DONE...FINISHED........GONE........FIN....NADA

If perchance, someone wishes to follow us, send me a PM, and we can talk........BB

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Happy trails to you, until we meet again.
Happy trails to you, keep smilin' until then.
Who cares about the clouds when we're together?
Just sing a song and bring the sunny weather.
Happy trails to you, 'till we meet again.

Some trails are happy ones,
Others are blue.
It's the way you ride the trail that counts,
Here's a happy one for you.

Happy trails to you, until we meet again.
Happy trails to you, keep smilin' until then.
Who cares about the clouds when we're together?
Just sing a song and bring the sunny weather.
[/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Happy trails to you, until we meet again.[/FONT]
Hey BT, when did you get that PM? I still haven't heard anything official, just the standard set of denials, and of course everyone accusing me of working for other seed banks, because I'm pissed about the "hack that never happened."

Even had a thread closed on me.
Hey BT, when did you get that PM? I still haven't heard anything official, just the standard set of denials, and of course everyone accusing me of working for other seed banks, because I'm pissed about the "hack that never happened."

Even had a thread closed on me.

If the member who sent the PM to me reads your message they will share the same information with you in a PM as they did with me. As for when I received the PM, I do not keep old PMs so I cannot check my inbox and give you a date. If you want to figure out the date you will need to search my messages for the first ones where I mentioned it that say how late the night before I received the PM, then look at the date of the message and you will have the date of when I received the PM since it was after midnight and would therefore have been on the same day.

As for accusations, get used to them if you want to hang out on sites like this. People do it all the time. I have been the recipient of near countless made up totally false accusations that were anything from minor to being major.
Well thanks for that Danks....must admit that life of a "Cyber Pirate" on a cannabis forum was not in my "Golden Years" plans...But what the hell....Tis the Pirates life for me, sailing the Cyber Seas........THIS spot is where we scuttled the TaffyPop.........We now proudly crew the "Honey Badger"........Ye have me permission to board her and join us in some merriment and other such.........NO rough housin' though, we leave that for Taffy an his lot...........An' a good day to ye Sir.........BB
still gettin r done in here huh.i love that song bricktop,but not by the writer.van halen does it best in my book.

Going back to the late 60's when I first started going to concerts there have been a small handful of groups I have seen that finished their shows with the song, or used it shortly before finishing, and some were good and some weren't. Van Halen has been good, depending on which incarnation of Van Halen someone would be talking about. I had seen them several times with David Lee Roth and then twice with Sammy Hagar but when I saw them with Mitch Mallory I stopped going to see them when the came to my area. They, or maybe he, was pathetic. It was like watching Freddie Mercury's untalented younger brother prancing around the stage trying to play rock star. It was difficult to sit through the entire concert and I half wanted to ask for my money back when I left.

It was like going to see "Hamlet" with Pauly Shore playing the part of "Hamlet." It was beyond a total letdown ... it was painful.
Has someone played fast and loose with the Honey Badger?

The ship was there and now it's not.

I don't think I'm THAT drunk! LOL
