Seed Assasin


Well-Known Member
Seedling one got transplanted, she was growing fine but I'm glad I did it anyways, that soil was muddy as hell and really really compacted, I even had trouble getting it out the pot using a gardening pale. She looked kinda droppy yesterday but now she seems bigger as usual, Although I found a tiny brown spot in one of the leafs, could it be insect attack or something? I haven't fertilized since last Sunday I first sprayed her and I've been really careful with PH. She's schedule for foliar fert spraying today and I'll let her get a good grip on the new soil before I first fertilize it this sunday.

*Plant doesn't seem to be asking for more food yet, she's growing mad fast IMO but I could be wrong. I'm looking for a straight answer here: when is the right time to start fertilizing?

By the way I bought some sort of Fertilizing pills that seem interesting. You have to bury one every week 4" from your stem and 2 inch deep. They'll dilute as you water throughout the week. have anyone tried this out? I plan to complement it with some foliar food and hopefully they'll get to maturity in 3 weeks for seedling one and I'm almost sure the others one will catch up . After that it's Lucas formula for me as I'm flowering on DWC buckets under 400W HPS

This is the formula of the pills:
N - 12,5%
P - 10,5%
K - 37%
CA (calcium) - 4%

And this is are my girls:

Seddling 1 NLB or Hasplat Haze:

Critical Jack Herer

Critical Sensi Star

Sorry for the crappy pictures I'm using my bb cam, I'll get a better one soon so I can show you details


Well-Known Member
Ok so I'm in trouble again. Ever since I transplanted seedling one seems weaker I thought she was getting over the trauma but actually it's getting worse. Before I transplanted I fertilized using 200 PPM of diluted nutes of those pills I was talking about before. I don't know if this is nute burn or If hurt the roots somehow. Whatever it is I need your help to fix it coz I have no clue.

I've got a better camera so you could see it in whole detail.
In this one I wanted to show you new growth... apparently she's still growing despite looking awful

This is some Leaf yellowing after transplanting... also leaves seems thicker for some reason...

The whole droppy plant, notice the "burns" or whatever it is

This is an update on little miss jack:


Well-Known Member
She was suffering from root rot I had to get her out again and soaked all the roots in water.. despite the rot she was growing new roots to adapt, I transplansted it right this time and she's coming back to life.. I trimed the dried/dead leaves and she should be growing again in two days. I'm gonna swtich to 18/6 in just a matter of minutes. Seddling 4 and 5 are growing perfecly.

I'll post some pictures tomorrow


Well-Known Member
So here are some pics of the 3 girls I'm vegging. They're under 4 T5 HO 6500k fluorescents outputting 20.000 lumen
18/6 Light Cycle.

This is Delicious Critical Sensi Star

Critical Jack Herer, really fast grower and she's starting to stink already

This is Seedling 1, whether Delicious Northern lights Blue or DNA Hashplant Haze, she's been through hell because of my n00bness, but now she's alrite.

War wounds: Leaves kinda bleached out in some areas, I gave her some calmag like 2 days ago (around 200ppm diluted in water), but the white/yellow color still remains.

hopefully I'll be taking clones within 3 weeks.



Well-Known Member
I'd just sprayed before I took the pictures... I friend told me it was kinda gay of me to wante to show you the plants wet lol... I was just high..


Well-Known Member
ok wow what you need to do is like cut everything your wanting to do in half. like water half as often as you want to, no nutrients should have been used already thats nuts, you should have waited at least 3 weeks before adding any type of nutrients, If you keep going the way you are all of your seedlings are going to die, you need to chill out on all of it, seriously just chill keep it simple don't over mother the things give them some space to breath


Well-Known Member
ok wow what you need to do is like cut everything your wanting to do in half. like water half as often as you want to, no nutrients should have been used already thats nuts, you should have waited at least 3 weeks before adding any type of nutrients, If you keep going the way you are all of your seedlings are going to die, you need to chill out on all of it, seriously just chill keep it simple don't over mother the things give them some space to breath

got it:leaf:


Well-Known Member
so how often do you water? because every picture you have up the dirt looks like mud. I water about every 4 days, soil needs to dry out so your roots can get oxygen also, think of your roots as sponges when a sponge is full of water does it want to absorb more water? no because it cant, don't go by the top of the soil being dry either often the top just drys off quickly because of air circulation and room temperatures. now that discoloration on you leaves in the last picture that is more than likely a problem you caused by over watering or using nutes too early on just give it plain water and light for the first 2-4 weeks. now the part that is discolored might dry out and die so don't freak and think the whole thing is going to go and give it more nutes that will only compound your problem, pay attention your new growth that is an indicator of what is happening most recently if new growth is healthy and old growth is not getting worse than overall you growing better.


Well-Known Member
when I first started I was watering every 2 days, now I'm down to 4-5 days and I was spraying ounce a week with 300ppm of diluted nutes as foliar food, I thought I was making up for the lack of premix or chemical fertilizer on soil. I gave calmag to seedling one coz she's almost a month old, but remember she was transplanted 2 times and even suffered root rot.


Well-Known Member
Jack Herer died in the middle of the cicle @ final re-pot. I ended up flowering the other two after two cloning fails, and they bloomed beautifully, I got 3/4 pound of dried product although I might have chopped too early. Sensi star had a really nice grapefruit taste and a very powerful high, meanwhile Hashplant Haze was less potent but more social.