Seed Bank Question RE: Platinum Seed Bank??


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever used the Platinum Seed Bank?
Couldn't find them in the list of sponsors, but I might have missed it.

Finally opened a Twitter account in an attempt to win some seeds. Entered a naming contest run by LadyAlien where I had to tag NewBankPlatinum which says it's the Platinum Seed Bank. I was told that I was one of their winners and that I'd won a Pound of one of their strains. Told them I'd rather have some seeds and they generously offered 10 packs of seeds instead. Then they immediately asked for my mailing info...again.

Being new to the whole Twitter thing, I took everything at face value. I never even thought of possible scams. But when I looked for mentions of LadyAlien, I saw that the account is linked to AlienGenetics. Saw LOTS of scammer warnings/comments for that account. Now, if this is all legit, then I'm a horrible person. BUT something just seemed really "off" about the whole interaction. Not sure what exactly, but it just raised red flags for me (even though they'd only asked for my mailing info).

Sorry for all the babble, my actual question is:

Has anyone had any dealings with any of these 3 accounts or this seedbank?

Probably not legit, but, at least you didn’t lose any money, they don’t have your credit card number or SSN, . Hopefully the worst thing may be you get put on every mailing list on earth! Sounds like the only info they got was your name and address,
Couldn't find them in the list of sponsors, but I might have missed it.
I think you might've posted in the wrong forums..

There's a handful of sites all running the same back end - neptune, platinum, west coast, supreme, united, superior ... I'd never use, but they're probably legit
on the other hand if they had an instagram account you'd think they'd link it on their site, which they do not
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I have used Platinum a few times without issues in the past, that said they had some issues within the past 12 months (if memory is accurate) with someone stealing their name and creating scammer accounts or something to that effect (I don't know/remember all the specifics but it made me stop dealing with them directly).. for what it's worth if it's the legit Platinum they are/were affiliated with the Neptune seed bank/Tiki mad man group of seed/clone banks (if that gives you pieces of mind) and/or you may be able to reach out to them for support or questions about legitimacy depending how motivated you are tmk their current IG is platinumseedbank1

all that said I know nothing about lady alien
"sponsors" are just advertisers. pretty much anyone can advertise ,

from what i know working back end even though we arent 420 mag platinum is a legitimate bank if you meanthe one with the purple logo but youll need to vertify your sources.

Platinum is a pretty common name and looks like a few banks have that in their name
Looks like at the very least Twitter AlienGenetics (no idea if it's the real one) is somewhat shady. I made the following comment to their latest contest and was blocked in less than 10 minutes...

"You've announced a treasure hunt contest for 500 seeds on the same day that @Team Vault announced the same thing? Wow - what a coincidence!!"

Wrote back to Twitter Platinum Seed Bank and let them know I was going to pass on the prizes.