Dude, The original question in this post was,{ Please explain exactly what the "Flowering Weeks 8/10 & Harvest Month 9/10 means.} You responded with {I don't know}.I believe I responded with the correct answer of 8 to 10 weeks flowering time and harvest month 9=september 10= october.
If you don't know wtf your talking about, don't be telling me my post is bullshit. Nobody ever said anything about the geography that Nirvana is refering to about the harvest dates. the question was, what does it mean?
i was just trying not to lead him astray,with thinking that they are the only possible harvest months ..depending on what country u live in it differs, thats y he needs to think for himself,learn a little about marijuana and then decide on a date to plant,keeping in acordance with his climate
not urs....
It shows the same schedule for femminized seeds so how does that fit into "once the plant is sexed"it means it takes 8-10 weeks to finsh flowering,once the plant has sexed
It shows the same schedule for femminized seeds so how does that fit into "once the plant is sexed"
Plant type: Best suitable for indoor growing.
This ones obvious.
Plant height: Medium- Indica/Sativa mix
Also pretty obvious.
Stoned or high?: Stoned- Indica Body Buzz
Just what type of high you get.
THC level: Strong 15-20%
The strength of the weed.
Flowering Weeks: 8/10
This plant takes between 8 and 10 weeks before its ready to harvest.
Yield (Sea of Green on one m2) : 350-450
How many grams you get per square meter using the SOG method.
Harvest Month: 9/10
True, not everything revolves around the US, but this is for the entire northern hemisphere, NOT just the US. Most people in the world live where these numbers are true, USA, Europe, Asia etc....
Grow difficulty: Moderate
The flowering time has nothing to do with when it is "sexed". Its an approximation of how long it will take from the day you switch the lights to 12/12 till when you can harvest the plants. Most plants take close to 8 weeks. Some take longer, very few take less than this, but some do. Most of the seeds you will find will say 8 weeks (or whatever the best wait time is for that particular strain).
um am i an idiot or are u ?????
thats what i said ,u just worded it differently,,
i said it takes 8-10 weeks once the plant has sexed,not is sexed,so in other word's u change the fucking light cycle to 12/12 in a couple of days into that cycle the plant sexes (shows sighn of sex) feminised or not ..
if the feminized seeds havent shown sex once the plant has grown...,under say 24/7 light cycles ,how the fuck do u know if its a female or not ????
quote"from this point it will take maybe 6 or 7 weeks to finish flowering
asswipe do u know what ur talking about??? the word "maybe" dosnt sound trusting,,,,,,,,
u are dead set an idiot,like u said quote"because no one can say 100% that it will take that long,so ur arguing with me over the sake of a week longer of growth???
1 fucking week?
alltho u are a little smart cause u where able to decode my new age typing,it saves on the amount of keys u have to push,
have u ever text messaged anyone before??? or are u just a frail old fossil who refuses technology??