Good.just a suggestion.I don't lose many and do totally different.but like I tell everyone learn everything you can and do what works for you.keep it growin
no, i dont heat it. seeds germinate in the ground silly, thats 60-65 degrees i think. Throw them on a plate, dont run the fan when u take a shower, keep it simple. Ive never had a seed fail.
fair enough. I am a clone person myself. I get 4-5 seeds of a strain, grow them all, clone the strongest. If i want seeds Ill colloidal silver herm a branch and seed another.The temperature of the ground completely depends on your local climate, time of year, even the soil type. Generally speaking, seeds do tend to germinate faster under warmer conditions although it is not proven to affect germination percentage. You certainly wouldn't want to heat seeds but warming them won't hurt and in some cases can indeed help. Effects of a warmer climate on seed germination in the subarctic Temperature and seed germination
Seeds very rarely have a 100% germination rate. Anybody telling you they get 100% success rates for germination is either exaggerating or doesn't go through that many seeds. There will always be the odd seed that doesn't germinate, even if they are stored properly and come from reputable brands.
Alright bro.I try to read as much as possible.what's a book I can buy to explain germinate/pollinate/etc to learn the shit your throwin down.I'm interested in this part.have read some but I'm old school.k want a for the input bro.keep on growinfair enough. I am a clone person myself. I get 4-5 seeds of a strain, grow them all, clone the strongest. If i want seeds Ill colloidal silver herm a branch and seed another.
Alright bro.I try to read as much as possible.what's a book I can buy to explain germinate/pollinate/etc to learn the shit your throwin down.I'm interested in this part.have read some but I'm old school.k want a for the input bro.keep on growin
i started over and im just gonna leave em in glass of water till it extends a small taproot then ima plant it thanks everyone for the help and info
If you do a presoak it's important to pull them and put them straight into your medium as soon as you see the shell cracked open. The instant the seed has an exposed tap root it is essentially drowning. They can go awhile in the water but it's best to get them straight into your medium, especially with seeds that are already weak and slow growing.
Your saying your response as for leaving seeds in water that long they die off if left in water for too long?is this from experience or read/trolling the net?just wondering?I'd much like to know.I'm actually doing an experiment right's like I'm playing hide and seek with all diff types of germination ways I've read and heard and I set up one I think will work.will try to make a thread with pics but I'm not computer savy(really not)lol.anyway I'll try and hope it don't take forever.anyone read this and germinate or hear of a crazy ass unusual way to do let me know.I'll try to replicate as best as poss to see how it works.I know genetics-all seeds diff-don't really know age-etc..just for me and to tell anyone who cares to read.ALWAYS LEARNING .keep on growing. #ilovevapingWhether they crack or not they must be removed at 14-18 hours or 24max.
Your saying your response as for leaving seeds in water that long they die off if left in water for too long?is this from experience or read/trolling the net?just wondering?I'd much like to know.I'm actually doing an experiment right's like I'm playing hide and seek with all diff types of germination ways I've read and heard and I set up one I think will work.will try to make a thread with pics but I'm not computer savy(really not)lol.anyway I'll try and hope it don't take forever.anyone read this and germinate or hear of a crazy ass unusual way to do let me know.I'll try to replicate as best as poss to see how it works.I know genetics-all seeds diff-don't really know age-etc..just for me and to tell anyone who cares to read.ALWAYS LEARNING .keep on growing. #ilovevaping