seed germination are these ready


Well-Known Member
When waiting for the tap root to show off in paper towel you are risking. that damn seed is so small and fragile comparing to your fingers, if you will break it - game over.

#######Seriously? I've done that a thousand times, never broke a tap root.###########


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2689140

I put these 3 seeds in to there soil and pots today so lets hope they do well now.

one quick question is that I have put them in my tent without the lights on until they sprout do I need to have an intake fan or that on at the moment of time or does it need to be kept dark with no light ?


Well-Known Member
ADVICE: Put the pots under some CFL's used for flowering and put them on a 12/12 cycle. 20-25 days from now you will know if they are males or females as they will show their sex. Kill any males and put the females into 24/0 veg state for 4 weeks. Then back to 12/12 to flower.

Why this advice? Because you only have 3 seeds. What if all 3 turn out to be males 2 months from now? Won't that be a major disappoitment?