Seed germination help


I put my 5 seeds in a cup of water yesterday 3 sank 2 I had to poke to sink , it has now been 24 hours only one of the shells has cracked a tiny bit should I be worried ?


Well-Known Member
No mate ....some just take a little longer ...BUT i wouldn't be leaving them in a glass of water for too long has it can over soak them and kill umm....take um out place them between some moist paper "kitchen roll" in a little tub and put in a dark warmish place and the little buggers should be a long soon ....I use paper kitchen roll just moist not over wet and put them in a sandwich tub them on top of my heated propagator and put a towel over them ...check once or twice a day and also pop the lid to let a little fresh air in and you good to go...
Lots of different ways mate no doubt some else will come along and explain another method .....each to there own and that...good luck...


Didn't have any kitchen roll so used toilet paper on a plate put the seeds on it put another damp toilet papers on top and then another plate to keep dark and then in a room temperature cupboard that sound ok ?


Well-Known Member
I usealy just dump em in a cup of moist soil, half a inch down and carefully place some loose soil on top of em, if they don't spurt in two days time I moist the top soil agin with a spray bottle with fine mist, then most of them pop with in a day or two, one out of 10 never do it seems, but work for me


I'm gonna leve them on the tissue how I stated for another 12 hours then plant them in soil even if no taproot is that okay or would you leave on tissue till taproot?


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's fine mate ...give umm time and the little girlies shall rise ....I know how its a bit of a waiting game and you just want to get growing but patience is the call of the day at the moment mate ....soon come ....good luck mate...


Well-Known Member
I always use kitchen paper But plenty do just plant in soil give 3 small squirts and leave umm to grow through....its all about what you are happy doing mate...


Active Member
they shouldn't need more water since you pre soaked them and you have the soil moist around them. right now you don't have a light on them so you don't really need to worry about soil drying out, so more water may actually drown the seed.

If they are in soil you can actually probably have a 42w cfl 6.5k light over the soil for warmth during germ and light when it sprouts.


Well-Known Member
Thats all good mate just keep it 2-3 foot away maybe a little more depending on how hot it gets in your room ....I made the mistake of having a 400w mh to close at a foot and a half when mine first appeared and i crinkled some of there first leafs....don't keep watering them has they don't need it mate unless they dry out ....just let mother nature do her thing and all will be good for now....have a look at them vids they show you how to go on mate....good luck...:weed: