Seed Issues


Well-Known Member
well the first round of germinating i did the paper towel method n they got out n then i put them in jiffy plugs and they havent poped out n its been a week i threw a seedsman g13haze in to the plug to germ form start n it was the only one to sprout anyway i bought hem from attitude n was wondering if they would re[lace cuz then all the 5 pandora box from tga haven't germed i tried 2 in papertowel now I threw the rest in the jiffy germinator n none of them are out yet n its been almost a week so all together im down 27 seeds i live in az n they were damn hot when i got out of mailbox so fasr 2 acapolco gold from barneys sprouted n connie chung from the june promo or am i jumping the gun anyways i spent alot of money n im kinda screwed over hee if no more germ at the moment the 1of 6 flying dutchmen pot of gold sprouted 1 n the g13 has 2 or 3 sprouted out of 8


bud bootlegger
nope, the attitude sells seeds for soveignor purposes only, and once you decide to try and germinate them, the balls out of their court so to speak...they do this because seeds are illegal to possess in a lot of state and countries, and in some of them they are legal to possess, so long as you don't try to germ them.. so by trying to germ them, you're all on your own and the attitude won't even talk to you if you mention the words germ to them for obvious reasons....
you could always try to contact the breeders themselves instead of going through the attitude and see what they say. ... it's about the only option that you have m8.


Active Member
sorry but I think the problem is you... your basically saying that 3 different breeders had bad batches of beans all at the same time...
save the seeds for sure!!! take fine grit sandpaper and VERY LIGHTLY sand down the ridge on the seed. you only need to scuff the suface, seriously only 0.5mm, they might not be very permeable as they are, im sure they could survive a little bit of heat. you could even try course concrete(sidewalk/driveway) if you dont have sandpaper. take the seed and pinch it between two of your fingernails, so you shield 99% of the seed, and give the small sliver that shows a slow drag only about a cm. youll be seeing spouts very very soon.

No one covers germ rates; they will help you out if your seeds got a lil smashed up.


Well-Known Member
I'm not thinkin its breeders i'm thinkin they got cooked cuz it was 120 degrees outside the day they came i dunno all im doing is putting them in jiffy n then givin then water under a cfl inside the jiffy dome