Seed ordering Question


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking of placing my first order next month with Attitude. I have my payment method and everything figured out but I still have a quick quesiton. I live in an apartment that is basically a stepping stone. What I mean is residents don't stay longer than a year a two. Why I say this is because I get a couple previous residents mail regularly (just ads and coupons and such). Since I have been weary of using my name, could I use one those names (or is this a dumb idea)? Also, having never done this, do you have to sign for a package from the attitude? Thanks in advance everyone!


Well-Known Member
If you used a fake name and the postal worker left you a pickup slip instead of your package for some reason, you could have to show proper id to pick it up at the post office. Just use your real name, and no, you won't have to sign.

Chad Sexington

Active Member
If you are that nervous, you shouldn't grow, let alone grow in an apartment building. I truly hope you have your odour control sorted.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice guys. No I would not be growing at the same adress I'm having the seeds sent and I have also planned for smell. Thanks for the concerns


Well-Known Member
this is a trick that does usually work, as long as you get a non-signing letter delivery, the PO will deliver
the other mail arriving is an excellent test
now if you get someone asking for a signature or something like that, at that point it becomes the mail of the person with their name on it


Well-Known Member
i think part of the calculation here is just how hazardous it is to order seeds in your state
many states/jurisdictions do not seem to follow up on confiscated seed orders, there are a few states/jurisdictions that have done so in the past, but mighty rare to find posts of one happening
if your in a relatively bad state, the extra misdirection might help in the worst case
customs snags your beans, and some local LEO(probably loco LEO, because following up on a seed order has to be really low on priorities) decides to come over to talk
with no grow, and not your name, i'd have to think the most rabid dick head cop would let it drop


Well-Known Member
That was my thinking exactly, growone. I'm not sure if I'm one of these "bad" states or not. I'll have to do some more reasearch.


Active Member
Friends have packages delivered to them all the time, Not necesarily illegal but stuff they wanna keep private I know for a fact my aunt sends stuff in her name to my grandmas address to hide from her husband stupid stuff like purses. Mailmen dont care. unless your in a small town and everyone knows everyone, im sure theres nothing to worry about. I followed the ordering guide off this site. Said use a generic name. or someone you knew before. I picked someones name That use to live with me and still gets some regular mail here. So its not too worrysome to order beans anymore. just pick a reliable seller. EDIT(currently ordered 3/17 dispatched 3/18 )/Tude?(never tried myself)/WWMS (seen 90% success stories minus those customs confiscations)


If you get a lot of different names for your address (more than just one previous resident), then sure go ahead. The postal worker might just think it's a new resident/roommate. Only if it's a small package that will surely fit inside the mailbox.