Seed planting question


Well-Known Member
yes, i know this is a complete retard question but i cant remember since last season which was my first grow. What end do you plant the seed in the soil, pointy end up, or the wider base up????

sorry for the stupid question but i just been so stoned jones lately:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
you plant the white tap root down the tap root grows down and the seed part comes up through the surface of the soil and cracks open and produces the plant


Well-Known Member
your probally going to wanna germinate those seeds first ,

ie. Put them in a moist paper towel , in a plastic bag some where warm for 24 hours , or untill a little white root starts poking out the pointy end.

Then plant them white root facing down. and keep soil moist but not soaking wet. I like to put a plastic cup over them like a humidome , and take it off when i see green coming through


Well-Known Member
well if you just chuck them into soil you are running on potluck whether or not they germinate. since you can't see them. but under a paper towel, you can see exactly wehat is happening at all times and when that sprout first pushed thru you KNOW it worked and can now plant it.


Well-Known Member
Starting soil/potting soil is a perfectly fine method of germination. It is true that you cannot observe the seed's progress or failure. However, if sterile conditions are observed, germination rate is comparable to other methods. I like it because I can disturb the plant very little before and after sprouting.


Well-Known Member
I don't own a ph meter. everything I do is by feel or smell. having NO money limits me. but I think everything should always be tested just in case. it can't hurt, right?


Well-Known Member
I don't own a ph meter. everything I do is by feel or smell. having NO money limits me. but I think everything should always be tested just in case. it can't hurt, right?
Go to the pet store and in the fish department they have pH testing strips and bottles of pH up and pH down for fish aquariums cheap.