Seed pods or calyxes along with bananas


New Member a plant that's close to harvest...has what looks like seed pods on it but if you squeeze them liquid comes out, but I did find one with a tiny white thing inside which I presume is a seed...plant is also sprouting the yellow bananas...should I cut it down now or should I just let it finish doing its thing for another week or so? Trichs are mostly cloudy with amber beginning to show.

Can't post pics as computer is broken. Don't know the strain either....just wondering what others would do with it.

Thanks all


Well-Known Member a plant that's close to harvest...has what looks like seed pods on it but if you squeeze them liquid comes out, but I did find one with a tiny white thing inside which I presume is a seed...plant is also sprouting the yellow bananas...should I cut it down now or should I just let it finish doing its thing for another week or so? Trichs are mostly cloudy with amber beginning to show.

Can't post pics as computer is broken. Don't know the strain either....just wondering what others would do with it.

Thanks all
...chop it now bro.

peace, bozo


New Member a plant that's close to harvest...has what looks like seed pods on it but if you squeeze them liquid comes out, but I did find one with a tiny white thing inside which I presume is a seed...plant is also sprouting the yellow bananas...should I cut it down now or should I just let it finish doing its thing for another week or so? Trichs are mostly cloudy with amber beginning to show.

Can't post pics as computer is broken. Don't know the strain either....just wondering what others would do with it.

Thanks all
There are still alot of white hairs on it too....chop anyways?

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
if you are seeing even some amber, then you are close...

Typically I chop on first sign of amber, unless there are other signs saying it's still too immature

In your wait means you will likely get seeds and lower potential due it becoming hermie..but only you can make that final call, as it's hard to judge without a pic


Well-Known Member
ya but if its close to being done then i dont think too much of the potency will be lost?
id give it 2-3 days then chop but im no expert.
like sun king said, only you can make the call


Well-Known Member
You can't just go by trichs alone...If you still have white pistils she ain't done yet. I lost a branch a few days ago, in week 5 of flower, most of the trichs were cloudy but it's nowhere close to done. Be careful and try to get pics up somehow to get a better answer. GL


New Member
You can't just go by trichs alone...If you still have white pistils she ain't done yet. I lost a branch a few days ago, in week 5 of flower, most of the trichs were cloudy but it's nowhere close to done. Be careful and try to get pics up somehow to get a better answer. GL
I know she's not done yet...but having hermied is it even worth waiting for her to be done? If all her energy is going to seeds and not bud don't see much reason not to chop now.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
play it by day at a time until you think the time is got to make the call on your own...or get a pic posted


Well-Known Member
its not worth it, it will pollinate your plants, and even if you did get and get something its going to be so full of seeds it will make you sick!!!! just end the suffering man, i know sounds harsh but i promise it happens to the best of us! good luck!


Well-Known Member
Haven't read the whole thread, but ill give you my experience with those ball things in the calyxes my first time around.

At first I thought my plants had been pollinated like shit somehow and were growing seeds. I kept ripping calyxes open and finding these teeny tiny little bean looking things, and every calyx I ripped open had them. Turns oit that they weren't anything; I have only seen 1 actual seed for sure so far (biggest seed I've ever seen in my life, too) and some of the other pods just filled with liquid, while women turned to bananas and shot out of the calyx.

Mine started shooting bananas almost 2 weeks from harvest, and I just went through plucking them and didn't have any problems. Of too stay on top of it and and pull them everyday, you can get most of them before they produce pollen and even if some plants do get pollinated I don't think 2 weeks is enough to really develop seeds (that statement could be totally wrong, but like I said, I haven't had any problems)

Hope this info helps you


Well-Known Member
There's is absolutely no scientific proof that seeded bud is any less potent than sensi..
I read something years ago in a friend's coffee table weed book about how seeded bud is more potent as the plant expends more energy to produce seeds blah blah blah

It could be easily tested if some one wanted to do that.

I used to get heavily seeded corn field Afghani weed in college for free and it was amazing.
Pull out the Little Feat double album, dump out 8 fat, seedy buds and de-seed like a mofo.
Probably 25% of what I was smoking was the plant material around the seeds, which was very thin and covered with trichomes.

I wish I had saved some of those seeds.


New Member
Ha, crap just saw you gave her the chop. Better safe than sorry, I guess
Lol...that's okay...just more info for the next grow =) I kinda wanted to wait a few more days and see what happened but hubby bugged out so we took her down. All I care about is the final product...if it's smokable then I'm good with it!