those are calyxes. they are the basic units that make up buds. they are seed pods, but ideally, you do not want them to be fertilized. it's not the end of the world if they are, but if they are, you should figure out how it happened so you can avoid it in the future.
they don't look particularly fertilized to me. the pistils on a fertilized calyx will get brown very quickly, and kink up.
just looks like buds to me...
fertilized bud will still be good, some people will tell you sinsemilla (unfertilized bud) will be stronger, but i don't really think that's true. i've had both, of the same strain, and while i'll say it seemed different, it didn't seem any weaker. the fertilized bud didn't hit quite as hard, but it lasted a lot longer. it does effect bag appeal, if you're looking to sell any. if its just for you, don't sweat it. just look around, see if you see any nanners (little yellow male flowers) on any of your plants, then see if you can find any large light leaks, check your temps, humidity, air flow...anything that can cause stress for the plants can make them hermie, but it either has to be a large stimulus, or a very touchy strain.