seed prodlem

Cannabis can be grown in MG. I would never recommend it. I don't feel like going into specifics but I can if anyone wants to hear. I believe the seedling was burned by the soil. He stated that the seedling was put in leftover MG, depending on how old the soil was and how many times it got wet determined how much fertilizer was released from the time released ferts in MG. If the bag was outside and open constantly getting wet I am almost 100% positive the soil was way way to hot for the seedlings. To much fert released in the soil with no use of it baking for however long.
Ive used FFOF a few times from seed. Two of three times the OF gave slight burn to seedlings until week two then they took off. Some strains can handle it some cant. A shriveled taproot is uncommon with overwatering. If overwatered the taproot will be rotted and bulbous
I agree with the mg soil being the issue. Reused soil without knowing what coyld be in it or Ph of it.....Not trying to start a debate there but i have germed many a seed and planted anywhere from when they just cracked to the taproot being an inch long. I have definitely overwatered but never killed a plant. Every seed i have germed and planted has grown and i always use ocean forest. Paper towel germ method. Like the man said before even the nutes in OF mess with them some but then they take off.
I agree with the mg soil being the issue. Reused soil without knowing what coyld be in it or Ph of it.....Not trying to start a debate there but i have germed many a seed and planted anywhere from when they just cracked to the taproot being an inch long. I have definitely overwatered but never killed a plant. Every seed i have germed and planted has grown and i always use ocean forest. Paper towel germ method. Like the man said before even the nutes in OF mess with them some but then they take off.

Agreed. The absolute best Germination method I have found is taking a container, line the bottom of the container with paper towel. Wet the paper towel thoroughly. Make sure its wet but drain any excess water by tipping over the container. Now simply take your seed and drop it right on top of the paper towel. close the cover of the container and store in a dark place until the seed germinates. 24- 72 hours. The added benefit to this is you do not have to handle and unfold a paper towel possibly damaging the seed. The seed germinates just as fast if not faster as the paper towel being folded over and less chance of drowning it. Simply take the cover off the container to check the seed and put it back in dark warmer place.

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My first attempt at growing my seeds rotted due to me planting them too deeply. I used the first knuckle deep method and they never sprouted. My 2nd attempt i put them roughly 5mm below the soil and now they're growing perfectly. Check out my grow journal if you like :) Happy growing. Good luck for next time!

Grow journal right down here​
Appreciate all the replies guys. I had ruined that seed tho cause it never did end up growing. I've ordered some online and they should be in soon. I'll try the container method where you just put the seeds ontop of the wet paper towel and cover it with the lid. That seed was only a bag seed anyways so it wasn't a huge deal to me. The one's im waiting for now are the white cookie seeds from crop king seeds. I've never had a problem germinating crop king seeds. The bag seeds were a huge pain in the ass cause they were really old. I had managed to grow a couple from the bag seeds tho
Anyone who is telling you paper towels is still to new at this to be giving advice... Germination is not something YOU do, it's what your seeds do after you put them in soil, rapid rooters, rock wool etc depending on your medium after you put them in it get them wet and leave them the hell alone. Seriously leave em alone... Tomorrow too, make sure they didn't mold or dry out the next day and still LEAVE it alone. They will do the whole becoming a plant thing as long as you don't interfere
Won't ever waste my time germinating again. Tried just throwing it in the soil and also tried the germinating method to see which one would be better....the one's i put straight into the soil have already broke the surface after only 2 days and the ones i put into a shot glass cracked but still haven't got a taproot. I couldn't believe how fast the one's i put into the soil turned out. I've taken the cracked one's i tried germinating and also just threw them into soil aswell. Thanks for the reply