Seed Production


New Member
Hi everyone!

This is my first attempt at growing plants and I have two beautiful Indica babies. I just recently found out their sex in which one is a girl and the other is a boy.

I am looking for optimal seed growth versus THC level. I have a read I should keep the plants together in order to achieve this.

Would this effect the next generation of Indicas in which I plan to produce for flowering purposes? Any advice would be helpful!

Thanks :)


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It does not matter if they are in close proximity or not but it would make it a lot easier to polinate the female. When you move the male plant the pollen will start falling off and getting all over the place. If it were me I would just wait til my girl had plenty of pistils, gently chop the male at the base and shake him over the girl Every pistil that has a pollen speck to fall on it will result in a seed. A good seed run can easily give you a thousand seeds - and some good smoke, regardless of what some say.
Is there a way to be more controlled about it? So your not just shaking pollen around the entire room? Somehow stragecially dosing the female, extracting the pollen from the male etc

Very little info on this
Wow I just found this: "Pollen has a great knack of getting to the females and you should ensure the utmost hygiene, changing clothes and washing hands when moving between rooms. Fans should always be turned off when dealing with pollen."

I didn't know it was that strong! I only have a male and female in my room next to each other so they are fine and I like the idea of shaking the male over the female when she is more mature. The article is also really interesting if I want to cross-pollinate different strands in the future.
I've made seeds 4 times now. I used this method one time (uncontrolled pollination) and I got way too many seeds. Just cleaning the bud of seeds is a real PITA, although the resulting smoke was just as potent as unseeded, just much less.

The best method I've used so far is to keep one or two males around at the downwind end of my room. When they start showing flowers, I chop most of the stems off and pick all the male flowers that look close to opening. You have to do this every day. When you have good pistol development on your female, wait for one male flower to open. Take a water paint brush and hold it under a the open male flower and gently tap the flower so you get pollen on the brush. Then gently and carefully paint some pollen on to one or two buds that you mark with a twisty or something. Carefully dispose of any open male flowers and then chop those boys down. This worked great for me the last time I made seeds. No need for a separate room and no overpollination.

I've tried saving pollen to use later but it goes bad really quickly. I even tried keeping some in the fridge with some dehumidifier packs but no luck.
My first time making seeds I cut some ripe male flowers into an envelope, then used a qtip and sprinkle some over one small bud and I got over fifty seeds. It's better to control how much pollen your spreading if you don't need thousands or even hundreds of seeds. And you get more bud at the end

And my first time saving pollen, after about a month in the freezer the pollen had less then 50% viability.
My first time making seeds I cut some ripe male flowers into an envelope, then used a qtip and sprinkle some over one small bud and I got over fifty seeds. It's better to control how much pollen your spreading if you don't need thousands or even hundreds of seeds. And you get more bud at the end

Thank you! That is very helpful!
I've made seeds 4 times now. I used this method one time (uncontrolled pollination) and I got way too many seeds. Just cleaning the bud of seeds is a real PITA, although the resulting smoke was just as potent as unseeded, just much less.

The best method I've used so far is to keep one or two males around at the downwind end of my room. When they start showing flowers, I chop most of the stems off and pick all the male flowers that look close to opening. You have to do this every day. When you have good pistol development on your female, wait for one male flower to open. Take a water paint brush and hold it under a the open male flower and gently tap the flower so you get pollen on the brush. Then gently and carefully paint some pollen on to one or two buds that you mark with a twisty or something. Carefully dispose of any open male flowers and then chop those boys down. This worked great for me the last time I made seeds. No need for a separate room and no overpollination.

I've tried saving pollen to use later but it goes bad really quickly. I even tried keeping some in the fridge with some dehumidifier packs but no luck.

Thank you! I love the idea of using a paint brush :)
I don't have any pictures, but they are about the size of a raisin/pencil eraser when they are getting close to opening. The time I just let the males go crazy I had allergy attacks ever time I went into the room.
If you don't want to keep a male around just find a nice branch with a good cluster of pollen sacks. Chop it. Throw it in a glass of water like you would if you were cloning.
Have it leaning over something to catch pollen.
A mirror, glass from a picture frame etc.
Something that's easy to scrap up.
If you can do a line of coke off it then you can collect pollen.
Let the sacks mature and boom you've GoT loads of pollen.
You can do this in a closet with a cfl bulb on a timer.
Just don't have any fans in there obviously.
That way your house isn't full of pollen for the next decade.

You can easily scrape it into a film canister or whatever then use the paint brush method to pollinate.
If you're wanting max output then apply pollen as needed.
You'll notice your girls hairs will shrivel up after they're pollinated.
But through flowering more will pop up here and there.
Hit those too as needed.
For easy seed collection just chop it and hang over an open garbage bag.
You'll have a lot of beans just falling out while drying (you'll also get this before chop)
Then over dry your bud.
All you do then it crumble it and collect.
On a side note let your seeds get fat.
The big fat mature striped seeds are wonderful.
I've made seeds 4 times now. I used this method one time (uncontrolled pollination) and I got way too many seeds. Just cleaning the bud of seeds is a real PITA, although the resulting smoke was just as potent as unseeded, just much less.

The best method I've used so far is to keep one or two males around at the downwind end of my room. When they start showing flowers, I chop most of the stems off and pick all the male flowers that look close to opening. You have to do this every day. When you have good pistol development on your female, wait for one male flower to open. Take a water paint brush and hold it under a the open male flower and gently tap the flower so you get pollen on the brush. Then gently and carefully paint some pollen on to one or two buds that you mark with a twisty or something. Carefully dispose of any open male flowers and then chop those boys down. This worked great for me the last time I made seeds. No need for a separate room and no overpollination.

I've tried saving pollen to use later but it goes bad really quickly. I even tried keeping some in the fridge with some dehumidifier packs but no luck.
Mix the pollen with some dried flour. seal in jar keep in fridge. Believe it will make pollen viable for 6 or so months.