Seed shortage


Well-Known Member
So just read an article on about a huge seed shortage, as a result of the rapid increase of legalization/decriminalization all over the world. That seems obvious enough at a glance, but really...that doesnt make sense. If more people than ever before are growing weed then it would stand to better reason that there should be more seeds around than ever before.

So i think it has more to do with breeders feminizing their seeds. They sell you on the convenience of fem seeds and play down the hermi thing, but really they just dont want to sell regular seeds because it means a large percentage of their clientelle wont buy again. They use the reg seeds to make thier own and will only buy again when looking for a new strain....

What perpetuates this are the noobs/suckers that buy into the convenience argument and ignore the hermi thing, which is still a huge issue, regardless of what the breeders want you to believe.

Time to boycott the fems...or soon you wont have a will HAVE to buy fem seeds and pay through the nose for them...

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So just read an article on about a huge seed shortage, as a result of the rapid increase of legalization/decriminalization all over the world. That seems obvious enough at a glance, but really...that doesnt make sense. If more people than ever before are growing weed then it would stand to better reason that there should be more seeds around than ever before.

So i think it has more to do with breeders feminizing their seeds. They sell you on the convenience of fem seeds and play down the hermi thing, but really they just dont want to sell regular seeds because it means a large percentage of their clientelle will use the reg seeds to make thier own.

And noobs/suckers are going for it... making regular seeds harder and harder to find.
Makes sense ....I've also noticed there's not many people willing to go through the work to get there own seeds ...meaning having a male and pollinating .......people just wana grow and smoke ....I love the fact I don't have to depend on anybody to have a successful grow ...and I don't mind having to pull males ....but people seem so impatient these days and want stuff now now now .......I do get seeds don't get me wrong ....but I definately don't have to
So just read an article on about a huge seed shortage, as a result of the rapid increase of legalization/decriminalization all over the world. That seems obvious enough at a glance, but really...that doesnt make sense. If more people than ever before are growing weed then it would stand to better reason that there should be more seeds around than ever before.

So i think it has more to do with breeders feminizing their seeds. They sell you on the convenience of fem seeds and play down the hermi thing, but really they just dont want to sell regular seeds because it means a large percentage of their clientelle wont buy again. They use the reg seeds to make thier own and will only buy again when looking for a new strain....

What perpetuates this are the noobs/suckers that buy into the convenience argument and ignore the hermi thing, which is still a huge issue, regardless of what the breeders want you to believe.

Time to boycott the fems...or soon you wont have a will HAVE to buy fem seeds and pay through the nose for them...

That may be the case if you shop overseas banks, but there are plenty of options to get seeds in the us, and many of the top breeders offer mainly regs. recommends overseas banks, and their top 10 is a joke.
Only shortage iv seen is in Autos.
Not that I really bother with seeds anyway since I just use my own clones. Only pop a few seeds from random street weed my mates have gotten when ever I have some extra space and want to try something new.
I have no issues pulling males but I guess for people that have limited numbers and space it could be a issue for them.
feminizing seeds does nothing to make them more hermie prone than regular seeds.. it's always going to be the parent stock that is either going to be stable, or unstable, and therefore, it's progeny will also either be stable or unstable.. if you use an unstable strain to create seeds, whether those seeds are feminized or regular, male / female, there's a good chance those unstable characteristics, in this case, hermaphorodism, is going to show in them.. if the parents are stable, and you make either regular, male / female seeds from them, or again, make feminized seeds, then more than likely, the offspring will once again be stable..
all spraying a plant with a chemical like cs, collidial sliver or any other of a few chems used in creating feminzed seeds does is prevent an otherwise female plant from producing the hormone ethylene, the hormone responsible for growing female, pistillate flowers on the parts of the plants that were sprayed with the chemical.. now because the plant is no longer producing the hormone responsible for pistillate flowers, the plant will now grow male, stamenate flowers instead.. breeders will then either take the pollen from the male flowers grown on an ordinary female plant, and either use that pollen to pollinate that same plant, creating what is known as an s1 generation, or self'ed one, or they can use that pollen on a completely different plant, creating in the process an f1 generation..
since the plant only grew male flowers on a female plant because it was sprayed with a chemical that stopped female flower production, and instead male flowers formed, there is no y chromosome present, and all resulting seeds are female. if there was no wonky genitics, ie, hermie prone, present in the parents, there will be no wonky, hermie prone, genetics in the offspring.. if there was, well, yes, the offspring will be just as likely to hermie as the parents were, but this also holds true for either creating feminized seeds, or creating regular, male / female seeds.. spraying a plant with a chem such as c.s. does absolutely nothing to change the dna of a plant, nor does it introduce a hermie trait that wasn't already present in the parents.. again, if the mother plant you're starting with is stable, so will be it's offspring, doesn't matter what sort of seeds one makes from said plant.. pretty much, shit in, shit out, regardless of seed type..
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I enjoy the convenience of fem seeds for the exact reason @majins stated. My room sizes dictate what and how I grow, and fems just fit the bill for me. On a side note, the last hermie I had were from reg seeds from BOG and it was the only nanners I've seen out of my last 4 fem seed grows. Just to be clear about that, it was hot as balls this summer and was likely the reason for the nanners but it was the only ones that have done it none the less.
Only shortage iv seen is in Autos.
Not that I really bother with seeds anyway since I just use my own clones. Only pop a few seeds from random street weed my mates have gotten when ever I have some extra space and want to try something new.
I have no issues pulling males but I guess for people that have limited numbers and space it could be a issue for them.
Well then...maybe youre new to a this... just 2 or three years ago reg seeds were all over the place and cheap.

Now... stock appears to be 75% fem seeds and these have nearly doubled in price and very few of the breeders supplying these seeds are reliable. Theyre coming mostly from pollen chuckers, selling gear that hasnt been stabilized. What you actually get is a crap shoot...
feminizing seeds does nothing to make them more hermie prone than regular seeds.. it's always going to be the parent stock that is either going to be stable, or unstable, and therefore, it's progeny will also either be stable or unstable.. if you use an unstable strain to create seeds, whether those seeds are feminized or regular, male / female, there's a good chance those unstable characteristics, in this case, hermaphorodism, is going to show in them.. if the parents are stable, and you make either regular, male / female seeds from them, or again, make feminized seeds, then more than likely, the offspring will once again be stable..
all spraying a plant with a chemical like cs, collidial sliver or any other of a few chems used in creating feminzed seeds does is prevent an otherwise female plant from producing the hormone ethylene, the hormone responsible for growing female, pistillate flowers on the parts of the plants that were sprayed with the chemical.. now because the plant is no longer producing the hormone responsible for pistillate flowers, the plant will now grow male, stamenate flowers instead.. breeders will then either take the pollen from the male flowers grown on an ordinary female plant, and either use that pollen to pollinate that same plant, creating what is known as an s1 generation, or self'ed one, or they can use that pollen on a completely different plant, creating in the process an f1 generation..
since the plant only grew male flowers on a female plant because it was sprayed with a chemical that stopped female flower production, and instead male flowers formed, there is no y chromosome present, and all resulting seeds are female. if there was no wonky genitics, ie, hermie prone, present in the parents, there will be no wonky, hermie prone, genetics in the offspring.. if there was, well, yes, the offspring will be just as likely to hermie as the parents were, but this also holds true for either creating feminized seeds, or creating regular, male / female seeds.. spraying a plant with a chem such as c.s. does absolutely nothing to change the dna of a plant, nor does it introduce a hermie trait that wasn't already present in the parents.. again, if the mother plant you're starting with is stable, so will be it's offspring, doesn't matter what sort of seeds one makes from said plant.. pretty much, shit in, shit out, regardless of seed type..
Ya ya... we had this discussion before in another thread. You have your opinion and i have mine, which is simply that feminization is a stress reaction, meaning that to produce fem seeds the plant is stressed with a chemical catalyst. So of course fem seeds are more prone to hermi .... as that is exactly the process that makes fem seeds.

I have never had a hermi that wasnt from fem seed. And that has happened with at least one plant in all three tries i gave fem seeds. Also, it seems that everytime a person posts pics on this site we find out it was a fem seed.
Clones are great to continue the genetics of a said strain your running, I run them sometimes don't get me wrong.. But clones in my eyes are just another way similar to feminized seeds... 90% of the time i run regs, even autoflowers i have ran regs. Only reason i see a shortage in seeds would be regs, due to people not wanting them anymore other than us growers who actually go into depth with breeding and etc.. ( Proud to say im working on my first F1 shortly)( got my breed chamber all sealed up and one small window, just got to get everything physically in there and working lol) People just buy buy buy all the fems seeds Because i think due to the fact it is so openly accepted to grow now in over 50% of the united states, people are getting them for the convenience and the fact they if want to only have to grow 1 plant.. instead of say 5 regs to aim for 1 mother for clones or what be it. People who tend to grow smaller amounts for personal tend to go fems more i think. In the beginning of my grow career that is what i did. 3 years straight. i grew 1 strain and 1 strain only.
Makes sense ....I've also noticed there's not many people willing to go through the work to get there own seeds ...meaning having a male and pollinating .......people just wana grow and smoke ....I love the fact I don't have to depend on anybody to have a successful grow ...and I don't mind having to pull males ....but people seem so impatient these days and want stuff now now now .......I do get seeds don't get me wrong ....but I definately don't have to
This is the biggest problem. Laziness.

Im the same as you. For my fall crop i started 12 reg seeds in june. Found the boys an killed them and was left with 7 potenial moms. Wasnt that hard. The only wasted effort was transplanting those extra 5 plants in 1 qt pots and watering them. From those seven moms i found a good one in august to clone from and now the crop is well under way. When i harvest around christmas time this crop will technically have taken 6 months, starting from seed.

But people dont want to bother. They pop a seed in some dirt and expect dope ina few months if the water it regularly. Then they wonder why their plants get fucked up along the way...never realizing their lack of effort and laziness is the real problem...
My male is going to be royal kush. Any suggestions to what i should cross it with anyone? Anyone ever breed and work with royal kush before?
Clones are great to continue the genetics of a said strain your running, I run them sometimes don't get me wrong.. But clones in my eyes are just another way similar to feminized seeds... 90% of the time i run regs, even autoflowers i have ran regs. Only reason i see a shortage in seeds would be regs, due to people not wanting them anymore other than us growers who actually go into depth with breeding and etc.. ( Proud to say im working on my first F1 shortly)( got my breed chamber all sealed up and one small window, just got to get everything physically in there and working lol) People just buy buy buy all the fems seeds Because i think due to the fact it is so openly accepted to grow now in over 50% of the united states, people are getting them for the convenience and the fact they if want to only have to grow 1 plant.. instead of say 5 regs to aim for 1 mother for clones or what be it. People who tend to grow smaller amounts for personal tend to go fems more i think. In the beginning of my grow career that is what i did. 3 years straight. i grew 1 strain and 1 strain only.
I only buy seeds when i want a new strain. Otherwise i clone... and this is the problem for seed producers. They dont make money from that. They need you comingg back...
Ya ya... we had this discussion before in another thread. You have your opinion and i have mine, which is simply that feminization is a stress reaction, meaning that to produce fem seeds the plant is stressed with a chemical catalyst. So of course fem seeds are more prone to hermi .... as that is exactly the process that makes fem seeds.

I have never had a hermi that wasnt from fem seed. And that has happened with at least one plant in all three tries i gave fem seeds. Also, it seems that everytime a person posts pics on this site we find out it was a fem seed.

Debating this topic with you creates stress Q ........:cuss:

I further get stressed at you climbing on a soapbox and preaching your :spew:to those looking for factual information :roll:!

Racer is correct and you know what side I'm on....:mrgreen:

No reply needed! I know your stance......Later dude! :peace:
i'm not sure supressing the production of ethylene would be that stressful. i know its not what the plant normally does, but is it the equivalent of sleeping on the wrong side of the bed stressful, or is it the equivalent of being sprayed with mace in the genitals stressful? big difference there.
i have grown mostly femmed in the last year, and had two herm out of 15, and both of them quit after about 10 days or so and went back to work. i grew 12 regs and picked out 3 females to keep and two of them hermed. one hard, had to get rid of it, the other i picked a few nanners off of then it settled down. i'm not at all convinced its the stress that causes it, i'm thinking parental genetics has a lot to do with it.
Ya ya... we had this discussion before in another thread. You have your opinion and i have mine, which is simply that feminization is a stress reaction, meaning that to produce fem seeds the plant is stressed with a chemical catalyst. So of course fem seeds are more prone to hermi .... as that is exactly the process that makes fem seeds.

I have never had a hermi that wasnt from fem seed. And that has happened with at least one plant in all three tries i gave fem seeds. Also, it seems that everytime a person posts pics on this site we find out it was a fem seed.

What brand of seeds did you purchase.
Where they freebies.

Example I have never heard or scene a report for White Fire og from og raskal or Morterbreath from pisces!