Seed shortage

I only buy seeds when i want a new strain. Otherwise i clone... and this is the problem for seed producers. They dont make money from that. They need you comingg back...
if they need me coming back, they ought to get some in house quality control and try their products out before they ship them out. make the breeders responsible for the crap strains they're pushing for a buck. i understand the effort involved in breeding, and i don't mind paying for that. i do mind paying for quality and getting 25% usable product
i'm not sure supressing the production of ethylene would be that stressful. i know its not what the plant normally does, but is it the equivalent of sleeping on the wrong side of the bed stressful, or is it the equivalent of being sprayed with mace in the genitals stressful? big difference there.
i have grown mostly femmed in the last year, and had two herm out of 15, and both of them quit after about 10 days or so and went back to work. i grew 12 regs and picked out 3 females to keep and two of them hermed. one hard, had to get rid of it, the other i picked a few nanners off of then it settled down. i'm not at all convinced its the stress that causes it, i'm thinking parental genetics has a lot to do with it.

"Suppressing the production of ethylene" will cause the plant to not finish well, if at all properly, and the stress involved in it could well bring on bisexuality (herming)......The last 2 weeks of bloom when you get the "bulking" is when plant based Ethylene production is critical!

Those Gassing should STOP gassing for the last 2 weeks! Co2 inhibits ethylene production!
This is the biggest problem. Laziness.

Im the same as you. For my fall crop i started 12 reg seeds in june. Found the boys an killed them and was left with 7 potenial moms. Wasnt that hard. The only wasted effort was transplanting those extra 5 plants in 1 qt pots and watering them. From those seven moms i found a good one in august to clone from and now the crop is well under way. When i harvest around christmas time this crop will technically have taken 6 months, starting from seed.

But people dont want to bother. They pop a seed in some dirt and expect dope ina few months if the water it regularly. Then they wonder why their plants get fucked up along the way...never realizing their lack of effort and laziness is the real problem...

I pop regular seeds too. Anyhow there is a product called screen yourgreen which allows for a sample of plant to be taken and you can sex your plant from a week or two old.

I started back in june with some regular seeds too. Grew the seeds out and took clones. Now the clones will become the mom plants acclimatize to my environment.

Havent had one hermie even if I stress the plants out here on after.
"Suppressing the production of ethylene" will cause the plant to not finish well, if at all properly, and the stress involved in it could well bring on bisexuality (herming)......The last 2 weeks of bloom when you get the "bulking" is when plant based Ethylene production is critical!

Those Gassing should STOP gassing for the last 2 weeks! Co2 inhibits ethylene production!
i would imagine the plant you're doing this to would be isolated from the rest of your plants and its sole purpose would be to produce a crop of seeds. i wouldn't do this to a plant i intended to grow for smoke. the question remains would the stress to the mother alter otherwise stable genetics in her seeds?
i would imagine the plant you're doing this to would be isolated from the rest of your plants and its sole purpose would be to produce a crop of seeds. i wouldn't do this to a plant i intended to grow for smoke. the question remains would the stress to the mother alter otherwise stable genetics in her seeds?

NEVER use a "stress" method to get S1 seeds! THAT is where the instability comes from!
Not so with chemical induced "selfing"!
Stressing creates "naners" and chems create actual hormone response in the plant that makes the area treated, produce actual male sex organs or "balls" if you will!
If the mothers line was stable, so will her S1's be!

(That's fact Q!)
NEVER use a "stress" method to get S1 seeds! THAT is where the instability comes from!
Not so with chemical induced "selfing"!
Stressing creates "naners" and chems create actual hormone response in the plant that makes the area treated, produce actual male sex organs or "balls" if you will!
If the mothers line was stable, so will her S1's be!

(That's fact Q!)

Absolutely correct.
I think the seed shortage is just kind of seeds that people want. Take bodhi's gear for example, they're widely known to produce crazy genetics so their stuff sells out every quickly wherever they're selling it. However, you also look at what seeds are available at any given seed bank and there's usually thousands of other strains available to buy. Just a small plant has the ability to produce thousands of seeds, the only shortage is of name brand seeds from popular breeders that people want. Some of the best strains have come from bag seed, people just have this notion that if the seed doesn't have some cool name from some known breeder on it that it isn't any good. So if all the 'good' seeds are gone, there must be a shortage of cannabis seeds just because what they want is unattainable
i'm not sure supressing the production of ethylene would be that stressful. i know its not what the plant normally does, but is it the equivalent of sleeping on the wrong side of the bed stressful, or is it the equivalent of being sprayed with mace in the genitals stressful? big difference there.
i have grown mostly femmed in the last year, and had two herm out of 15, and both of them quit after about 10 days or so and went back to work. i grew 12 regs and picked out 3 females to keep and two of them hermed. one hard, had to get rid of it, the other i picked a few nanners off of then it settled down. i'm not at all convinced its the stress that causes it, i'm thinking parental genetics has a lot to do with it.
"Supressing the production of..."

I suspect that is likely a major stressor. Supressing the natural production of anything generally is. And the side effects that causes 8 the plant? And make no mistake...there are always other effects....
So just read an article on about a huge seed shortage, as a result of the rapid increase of legalization/decriminalization all over the world. That seems obvious enough at a glance, but really...that doesnt make sense. If more people than ever before are growing weed then it would stand to better reason that there should be more seeds around than ever before.

So i think it has more to do with breeders feminizing their seeds. They sell you on the convenience of fem seeds and play down the hermi thing, but really they just dont want to sell regular seeds because it means a large percentage of their clientelle wont buy again. They use the reg seeds to make thier own and will only buy again when looking for a new strain....

What perpetuates this are the noobs/suckers that buy into the convenience argument and ignore the hermi thing, which is still a huge issue, regardless of what the breeders want you to believe.

Time to boycott the fems...or soon you wont have a will HAVE to buy fem seeds and pay through the nose for them...

I think you are right it's about laziness but just because there is a temporary fluctuation in the mj seed market due to disruptions caused by relaxing of laws doesn't mean we all need to jump on an activist bandwagon & boycott the use of fems. That's ridiculous & I think you should look at it as an opportunity to any grower experienced as a breeder. Save the whales save the trees save the reg seeds!!! Lol
As the world evolves it's view on mj there's gonna be room for many more little seed companies. Somebody with a little knowledge and exp could make a fortune if they see an opportunity here. There's no question most people are lazy potheads...I'll admit I'm guilty I just want to grow and smoke; sure I take a fuckload of clones but I like to mix it up with new strains too. Maybe someday I will get up to the advanced class but honestly a 20 pack of mix & match fems keep my grow going for years with minimal effort and the oh well the occasional hermie...breeding?
It's just to mind fuck you into a price jump. Simple economic's: demand has increased exponentially but supply has not increased enough to match demand. I see opportunity for talanted people to break out!
I call Bullshit. There is a seed company born every day...maybe the old european banks are having a shortage because everyone is just buying domestically in the US and most Euro companies arent putting out anything interesting these days. Alot of euro banks require the seed company to have production in europe, now that american is becoming more liberal in regards to cannabis there is not as much need to cater to European markets. So many people just want cookie and OG crosses these days and California is at the forefront of that trend.
I assure you there is no shortage of seeds and never will be.
what are you talking about ? there is no shortage . possible your using a small company ? i just called 2 friends there not seeing an issue . and if it got very bad you know there are ways to herm a female plant that was femed . to produce what your looking for .
I think you are right it's about laziness but just because there is a temporary fluctuation in the mj seed market due to disruptions caused by relaxing of laws doesn't mean we all need to jump on an activist bandwagon & boycott the use of fems. That's ridiculous & I think you should look at it as an opportunity to any grower experienced as a breeder. Save the whales save the trees save the reg seeds!!! Lol
As the world evolves it's view on mj there's gonna be room for many more little seed companies. Somebody with a little knowledge and exp could make a fortune if they see an opportunity here. There's no question most people are lazy potheads...I'll admit I'm guilty I just want to grow and smoke; sure I take a fuckload of clones but I like to mix it up with new strains too. Maybe someday I will get up to the advanced class but honestly a 20 pack of mix & match fems keep my grow going for years with minimal effort and the oh well the occasional hermie...breeding?
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Talk to any farmer that has to buy grain seed rather than using his own. He will tell you he HAS to buy prolly from Monsanto... the inventor of fem seeds...
I call Bullshit. There is a seed company born every day...maybe the old european banks are having a shortage because everyone is just buying domestically in the US and most Euro companies arent putting out anything interesting these days. Alot of euro banks require the seed company to have production in europe, now that american is becoming more liberal in regards to cannabis there is not as much need to cater to European markets. So many people just want cookie and OG crosses these days and California is at the forefront of that trend.
I assure you there is no shortage of seeds and never will be.
A seed company born everyday?

Ya... seed distributors, who buy and sell seeds, rather than producing them, are born everyday. That is very different than producing them.

The last time i actually bought a fem seed (serious seeds) i got 10 for 75 bux.

What are they now? Double? Triple?

Now tell me where all these seed companies are again?
I have bred several feminized strains mated to regular males, with no hermies going on 3 generations down the line, not even one. In fact these have been some of the best strains I've created. I can't speak for selfing though I only breed with a regular male that I like.

Hormones as far as I know aren't passed on. If a person gets on some sort of hormone supplementation it doesn't pass on dual sex conditions to their children.

It seems to me more hermies come from a mother that was stressed while it was seeding, such as a plant pollinating itself and not from stressed pollen from an induced female pollination another.

Like other posters have said it comes down to stabilization and methods used for femming. I have more trust in a company like Dinafem over say Cali Connection mutants when breeding with feminized.
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A seed company born everyday?

Ya... seed distributors, who buy and sell seeds, rather than producing them, are born everyday. That is very different than producing them.

The last time i actually bought a fem seed (serious seeds) i got 10 for 75 bux.

What are they now? Double? Triple?

Now tell me where all these seed companies are again?

Have you been on Instagram lately?
I'm not talking about seed vendors...
There are new seed companies popping up all the time trying to hock untested f1's...some using gear that has barely been released for a year. It's a joke.
Talk to any farmer that has to buy grain seed rather than using his own. He will tell you he HAS to buy prolly from Monsanto... the inventor of fem seeds...
Now I know you don't know anything. Farm seeds are not fems. Hell most are not even gmo. They are f1 hybrids.

Why? F1 hybrids will be all the same but try to grow them the next year and your ruined. That can be done with reg seed to.
Now I know you don't know anything. Farm seeds are not fems. Hell most are not even gmo. They are f1 hybrids.

Why? F1 hybrids will be all the same but try to grow them the next year and your ruined. That can be done with reg seed to.
Ummm.... i am from farm country. I grew up on a farm. My entire family farms. I think i have a pretty good idea of the subject.

Jus sayin...
Ummm.... i am from farm country. I grew up on a farm. My entire family farms. I think i have a pretty good idea of the subject.

Jus sayin...
Then you know what you said is false.

Cannabis is different than farm crops. Cannabis actually has a male and female plant. DIOECIOUS. Corn and other plants that flower with male and female flowers are MONOECIOUS.

Look those words up so you understand what they mean.

lets take corn for example. Read this.

If corn is monoecious and has both male and female sex organs how can you make a fem seed?

Now back to cannabis. It is dioecious (dicot) as in having cotyledons. Those little round first leaves.

Just saying.