Seed slowed after popping...


Well this is my first grow so more than likely I'm just being impatient, but my seed seems to be having an issue. I used the paper towel method to get it to pop. Took about 24 hours, but since it hasn't grown much more at all (been 48 hours since I noticed it popped, about 72 hours since I first set it in the paper towel)...theres just a tiny root barely poking out. Should I let it go longer in the paper towel, change the paper towel, or go ahead and plant?
Its a white dwarf seed btw.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
White dwarf seed is a bad candidate but it may prove useful in your situation. I have stopped using the paper towel method and i dont understand why people continue to do this. What is wrong with just throwing the seed in some soil? This is how nature does it, and it has proven to work better for me.


White dwarf seed is a bad candidate but it may prove useful in your situation. I have stopped using the paper towel method and i dont understand why people continue to do this. What is wrong with just throwing the seed in some soil? This is how nature does it, and it has proven to work better for me.
I have no idea what is wrong with it, just kinda figured that was the general consensus on what to do...I'll go ahead and plant it... I was kinda leaning that way anyway :)


Member I'm pretty sure this seed has failed. I have no idea what happened...think maybe just not a good seed? Is there any saving it? After 2 days in soil its still done nothing...


Its in the soil about as deep as the seed itself...been keeping it moist with a spray bottle...hmmmm...alrighty, I'll keep it in there...


when i germinated my first seeds, i did the paper towel method. all 4 sprouted and it took 2 days.

the second time, i tried 2 seeds in a cup of water for 24 hours. nothing happened, but i planted them in soil afterwards and put them outside.
im pretty sure the cold temperatures + directly planting in soil is what made the germination take longer, but 1 week later i saw them sprout out of the soil.

Juicy Fruit

Active Member
It takes 1-3 days (sometimes longer for dryer seeds) to sprout a good tap root, and then another 1-2 weeks to enter into a veg stage.


Ok, so after checking things out and spraying the soil down I noticed these tiny white worms crawling all over...I pulled the seed out (absolutely NO growth) and put it in a glass with a little soon as I dropped it in the water more of these worms came OUT of the seed! WTF!!!???


I'm gonna start over...I'm positive whatever these are caused my seed to stop growing.

Next up I'm gonna try one of the free seeds I got...Extreme Indica...gonna save the good seeds for when I have a better setup and more knowledge...


Well-Known Member
Ok, so after checking things out and spraying the soil down I noticed these tiny white worms crawling all over...I pulled the seed out (absolutely NO growth) and put it in a glass with a little soon as I dropped it in the water more of these worms came OUT of the seed! WTF!!!???
you sound like your on acid now lol:-P