seed starter kit question?

I have a seed starter kit with the heat mat and dome and i have the seeds but i was wondering before placing them i the starter kit does the kit need light during the germinating stage ? i was planning on leaving the seed in the kit for about a week with no nutes and just the distilled water and heat map so that the roots grow good for transplant. am i on the right track or do the seed starter kits need to be under light ?


Well-Known Member
No light, it will kill your tap roots. Imagine a seed planted "naturally." They are just placed straight into the dirt


Active Member
:clap:You are on the right track, however when the sprout needs some light is determined by the presence of the first pair of leaves. If the leaves don't get some light, the plant will stretch to find light. Germination is in the dark (below the top of whatever they are sprouted in) and then light is crucial for normal growth. I use "Rapid Rooter plugs and have actually gotten many seeds to "crack" open overnight. Also, try to orient the seed correctly. If it starts upside down, you'll loose a day or two while the root turns around (down) and the stem can grow upwards. There will be a "dot" on one end of the seed. This is where the seed formed from the mother (hung there) and this should be oriented up. I also do NOT use any form of nutes for at least the first three weeks. Most plugs contain plenty of nutrients; good for quite a while. Light is fine with simple CFL's or eq. Too much heat is your enemy. I transplant to my longer term Vegetation area when I have a good, strong and health 1-2 pair of leaves...
so how long would it usally take for the first pair of leaves to show up ? and hopefully i orient them the right way. if i did in fact do it wrong its not a waste right ? i stll have a chance that they will grow?


Well-Known Member
so how long would it usally take for the first pair of leaves to show up ? and hopefully i orient them the right way. if i did in fact do it wrong its not a waste right ? i stll have a chance that they will grow?
the post above already answers your question , he stated if you plant it upside down it will take a day or 2 longer before you see the seedling pop out the ground ;)
ok but there is water on the tray if it sprouts downward wouldnt that be bad ? or regardless it will grow up towards the air and not under water ?

also how do you know if you put to much water in the seed starter kit ?