Potting straight into soil can be tricky if you are not use to germing seeds in soil. Not trying to be a smart ass or anything but knowing the proper moisture level, temps and such makes a big difference in the time it takes to germ a seed. In the paper towel method you have basically a water layer wrapped around your seed along with a good heat supply. Doing this in soil you have to keep the top of the soil very damp without soaking the soil underneather in order to speed up the moisture soaking into the seed hull.
Easy solution which makes this much like germing in paper towel. Take you starter pot, rapid rooters or whatever, but for this example soil in a starter pot. Place your medium in the pot tap down until firm without making it too hard this will help retain a bit more moisture, make a hole to drop you seed in with pencil or something small and round. Gently cover 1/4 to 3/8 of an inch deep, mist the top of the soil until nice and wet. Then to keep your moisture and humidity up just like paper towel method, place a clear plastic top over it with a couple of holes in it for air exchange. This is just like a dome that will help retain heat and moisture, keep the surface damp until sprouted 3 - 7 days usually depending on the thickness of seed shell, temps, moisture and things.
Good Luck and Merry Christmas