Seed to Flower Week 2


Well-Known Member
First of all, I'm not on here asking which sex it is. I'm taking people through the days of my plant with pictures to find out which sex it becomes. Second, if you would read the first page, you would see this started out as an experiment. I'm not looking for a huge harvest or a massive plant. I'm just curious to see what will happen when you take a seed straight to 12/12. Trust me I'm not confusing anything. I know all about 12/12 for clones and 18/6 or 24/7 for veg. But I did not go that route for this plant, hence the reason why it is an experiment.


Well-Known Member
I didnt read the whole thread so i dont knwo if this has been asked, but is your space light proof? If any light is disrupting the dark phase then it wont flower..


Well-Known Member
I'm still trying to determine sex. Anyone got an idea
What do you guys think on the sex? or is it still too early?
Still don't see any real signs of sex yet. What do you think?
Still don't see a sex. any one have any idea on what it could be?
Still don't see a definate sign of sex. What do you guys/gals think?
silly me for thinking you were asking what sex your plant was. but anyways good luck with your experiment. it would still prob be a good idea to start a new grow when you get your new light. the electirc youll use will be >>>> the amount of money youll save from a harvest from that plant.

i would throw that plant under the hps while you use your cfls to get some more plants up. and when your new plants are ready to go under the hps put your old plant back under the cfls and your new plants under the hps. itll cut down on downtime.


Well-Known Member
^that is of course assuming you can split off your room and have 2 light cycles going simultaniounsly or if you have another room to grow in.


Well-Known Member
I am going to start a new grow when I get my HPS. However I have 3 plants going right now. This one, one that just started and one that is in the last couple of weeks of flower.


Well-Known Member
Day 30. Just a quick update. Still don't see a sex. Soil felt real dry today, so I'm going to give it a watering when the lights come on.


Well-Known Member
i started my lings on the 5th and i've already see sex already. Its a tiny ball so im not really sure if its a male or female yet but i do see it forming. So for me its only been about 18 days.

and im on 24


Well-Known Member
you'll know soon, I see preflowers starting to show but it's to early to tell if they're going to grow into hairs or balls. You'll know within a week


Well-Known Member
Day 39. It's a Girl! Went to take a look at her when the lights came on and saw 2 white hairs coming out of 2 different places. :clap: I attached a pic. It's not the best, but I really couldn't get any clear close ups.

