Seed to Smoke

Twitch's Brother

Well-Known Member
Hey this is my first time actually doing a grow, however I will be having Twitch help me out a lot since I will be piggy backing my seeds into his rotation (hehe or a cheap way to grow bud for the first time:eyesmoke:) I don't mind if you want to post here.

I have 8 seeds that i have acquired from a get together, the gentleman had many to chose from and said they were free so i just picked these randomly, these happen to be called Chem Fire (or Chim Fice kind of hard to tell with the hand writing lol :lol:).

I have placed these seeds into solo cups filled will coco (as you can see below) which is on a heating pad currently sitting under a florescent type lamp. The coco was saturated in water that had some Clone X in it as well.

Today will mark day one so lets see how i do!!!


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After 48 hours #6 just broke through the soil, an hour later #4, and then one more hour #5. I still have not added any more water.

I was not expecting for these seeds to pop this fast i was thinking that it was going to be at least 5 days lol. i was also told that the ones that pop first are normally male, can anyone confirm this? Hopefully i have some fast moving genes?

these picture are of #6 since it was the first to brake through I thought it would be cool to take some pictures as it was coming through and straightening out.

i came back two hours later and #8 has broke though.


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after 72 hours in the coco 7/8 seeds have popped so far, the order being 6,4,5,8,3,1, and 2.

since #7 is the only not to pop yet i have left that one on the heating mat and moved the ones that have popped off the heating mat and under a florescent which is about 1 foot above.

water still has not been applied.
Here are some more pic! Enjoy!
The last one is of this morning.


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Well it appears that #7 will not be making it i have not seen anything from it, tomorrow i will dig around to see if it is doing anything if not i will throw it out.
Hey, 7/8 is not bad now lets see who my pretty ladies will be?

No water has been added; however they are looking dry and will need to be watered soon.


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Afternoon Day 7:

#7 has not made any progress, i dug it up and nothing had changed it just became kind of mushy.

Today i have moved the seedlings closer to the light to keep them from stretching, they are currently about 4 inches away from the light.

i am also going to be giving them half strength nutes, this will be their first watering, hopefully they will blow up after this watering.


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Thank you very much for stopping by, i appreciate you checking it out.

We will see how they do, i just made my very own cloning machine if anyone is interested i will make another thread showing how i did it, but I'm quite sure someone may have already done one similar to mine lol.
Day 9:
they seem to have enjoyed the feeding very much because they have really taken off. They appear to have a very good color to them and they seem to be very healthy.


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Thank you very much for stopping by, i appreciate you checking it out.

We will see how they do, i just made my very own cloning machine if anyone is interested i will make another thread showing how i did it, but I'm quite sure someone may have already done one similar to mine lol.

yours is very impressive actually I would post up some pics
OK so i sat down and wrote up my little how to for my Cloner if y'all think i should post this somewhere else let me know and i will do it, if you have any questions feel free to ask! Happy Growing!

DIY Lowes Cloner:

Items Needed To Complete Mission-

Cycle Timer- Local Grow Store- 38.99
Pond Pump- Lowes- 29.99
2” Neoprene (35)-Local Grow Store- 17.50
Fish Air Pump 10-30 gal- Petsmart- 14.99
Aquatic Thermometer- Petsmart- 11.99
Command XXL Tote- Lowes- 8.98
Easy Clone Misters (12)-Local Grow Store- 6.00
1/2” PVC Slip x Slip Elbows (4)- Lowes- 6.00
Valspar Black Spray Paint- Lowes- 4.98
½” PVC Nipple Cap (4)- Lowes- 3.20
¼” Air Tube- Lowes- 2.99
5” Air Stones (2)- Wal-mart- 2.48
½” PVC Nipple 4” Long (4)- Lowes- 2.32
½” PVC Pipe-Lowes- 1.95
PVC T-Joint (2)-Lowes- .92
Electric Tape-Lowes- .68
PVC T-Joint, One Side Threaded-Lowes- .66
#10 Screws-Lowes- .50


Other Addition Items you may have in the Toolbox-

11/64” bit- Lowes- 3.68
1 7/8” Hole Saw-Lowes- 13-30 (yea it’s fucking ridiculous)


First take your ½” PVC pipe and cut it into these sizes:

2- 19 ½”
2- 8 7/8”
4- 4 ½”

After you have cut your pieces to size, use the (4) ½” 90 degree Slip x Slip Elbows and the (3) ½” T-Joint pieces to make the frame of the mister (As seen below). After the frame is put together take the ½” PVC Nipples which should be 4” long and thread them into the threaded part of the ½” 90 degree Slip x Slip Elbows of the mister frame. Then take the (4) ½” PVC Nipple caps and screw them into the (4) 4” Nipple legs. Take the 11/64” drill bit and drill 12 holes spaced as seen below, these holes will be the places where the mister heads will be placed (if you feel that you need more you may do so now). Using the #10 screw, screw it into the holes that you made for the mister heads, what this will do is create the thread needed for the mister head to screw into. This is your mister.

NOTE* the mister heads will be able to reach 12-14 inches above themselves, so you don’t need to put the misters closer than 8” IMO

Take the pond pump and screw it into the threaded T-Joint in the middle of your mister frame, its ok if it does not touch the ground. If you wish for it to touch the ground or your pump is too big, you can get a connector and adjust it now. Take the 1 7/8” Hole saw and cut out the 35 holes in in the lid of the tote (you will see where), this will be the place where the neoprene will go. After your holes are cut now is the time to spray paint your top black, we are doing this because we do not want any light penetrating the lid and getting into the rez. If you are having some trouble with high temps I would recommend then spray painting the lid white so now the surface will reflect heat rather than absorb it.

If you want you can have the cable from the pump and the tube for the air pump, which will connect to your air stones, to come through one of the sites in the lid, or, as I did, you can cut out a hole in the back of the tote so you will not lose a site in your lid. If you do decide to do this, use an extra neoprene to fill in the hole and then use silicon calk to cover the whole site so it will not leak. Don’t worry about using too much of the silicon calk it will have no effect with the water. Also I chose not to glue any of the joints together because I did not want any of those chemicals in my rez and the pump will not be able to generate enough pressure to bust it apart.

Using Duck Tape or whatever methods of your choice to mount the air pump to the back of the tote. On the front of the tote (or the top) drill a hole that is the size of the thermometer probe, and stick your probe through and have it place in the water however you wish. Then using silicon fill in the hole, and mount the display where you can read it easily.

FINALLY! Take your electrical tape and tape along the outside and the inside edge of the top part of the tote, at this moment you can add more or less to adjust for leaks. Put your lid on and place your 2” neoprene inserts into the 1 7/8” holes into your lid, place and adjust everything into your tote and RUN A TEST RUN TO CHECK TO SEE HOW HOT YOUR REZ WILL GET! No need to mess up a batch of important clones!

With everything that I have done to this machine it is equivalent to a $400+ that you could buy on-line, and those don’t come with a short cycle timer.


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#2 has been showing some sings as if it is too close to the light (even though it is the shortest one), so i have moved the light back a few more inches. The next time that they need water, they will get a full strength dose of nutes, rather than the 1/2 strength they have been getting. #5 has exploded in size and is much more broad than the rest.

the first pic is all of them, the second pic is of #2, and the last pic is of #6


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decided against the full strength nutes this time around they seem like they might be getting nute burn, so this time i just did a flush with pH corrected water


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i think they are startin to look a little pissed off, not sure what is pissing them off but the new growth is looking good, possibly odd genes due to the breeder


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not exactly how i wanted to wake up this morning the T5 light fell on my seedling but they seem to be ok 3 of the 7 got hit hard but i think they will be ok.
i was planning on moving them to bigger pots today too, looks like i have no choice now since some of the solo cups are ruined.
i will post pics later after they have been moved to their new home.


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they seem to be doing very well despite having a light falling on them lol here they are in their new home

They now will be on a 20/4 light cycle, they were hit with nutes when they were transferred into their new homes


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its been a few days since i have posted on here got busy lol, but i have some pics.
all plants seem to be doing very well after being transplanted, they really wanted the bigger pots and are growing like crazy. i have yet to give them anymore water since i have transplanted them.
I plan to see them start to show signs of sex here in about a week?
the first two are of 2 days ago and the last one is from today.


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I gave two of them some water with full strength nutes they are starting to noticeably drink at different rates tomorrow the rest should need full strength nutes as well. There has been no signs of sex yet :(


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