Seedbank Reports and Confiscated Shipments


Well-Known Member
That website doesn't look like something I'd send money to..Maybe I'll send dude a wordpress theme tho -.-
the dude can have a black and white plain text website and still kill the sales
some of those beans are like $200
with the genetics hes selling he could write a add in the dirt with his finger and still get sales ;)


Well-Known Member
Ordered my bean(s) from the tude and they arrived in 9 days. Pretty damn good for shipping time. This was my first time ordering seeds from any bank so I ordered 1 for my own personal test to see how their whole process worked out. Then after I ordered I started reading how a lot of their shipments were getting snagged...I believe that it is a matter of what entry point they arrive. Mine went through San Fran and delivered no prob. I also used their "stealth" mode but opted for the wallet instead of the tshirt or mug. Shipping I'd give an 8 out 10 (just from my single experience), but that's where it stops. I ordered a single pick&mix liberty haze fem. according to my invoice the UFO I was getting with the LH was G13 Lab's White Critical so I was almost as stoked to get that than the LH. My heart was broke when I opened up my wallet to find that the WC freebie had been replaced by a Blimburn Northern auto. I had no interest in growing an auto in the first place. I sent an email wondering if it was a mistake, this is what I got back...

Hi there

We do state that sometimes the free offers will be substituted with no
notice and unfortunately this did happen to your order, I am very sorry for
any disappointment caused by this but the change was intentional.

Many Thanks,

Jodie @ The Attitude

I then wrote back:

Dear Jodie,
As stated in your UFO policy:
UFO are the free of charge items we give away with every purchase. Please note these can change at any given notice, but we do our best to make sure you will get the ones listed on your order.
So what you are telling me is that The Attitude intentionally switched a "stocked item" for an item that was clearly marked "out of stock"? Tell me just how y'all did "our best to make sure you will get the ones listed on your order"? You said it was intentional? I'm sorry, but you contradict your own policy. Is this how you garner more customers to actually come back as repeat customers? Sounds like a bunch of bollocks to me. I'm glad I didn't spend the whole wad upfront and thought I would give y'all first crack at my business. Mahalo for proving my point and to what everyone else around the world says about your company! I will take my business somewhere else.

So apparently they have two different stocks, freebie stock and paid stock.

As far as bean viability I give two thumbs up, because both have sprouted and the LH grew 1-1/4" and the auto 1" from the time they popped yesterday morning to last night... but since I can get the same beans elsewhere, I went with Herbies. The new order is already on the way.

Jodie can just suck my balls!
I understand your frustration, but it's not like they swapped out the bean u paid's a freebie mayne


Well-Known Member
the dude can have a black and white plain text website and still kill the sales
some of those beans are like $200
with the genetics hes selling he could write a add in the dirt with his finger and still get sales ;)
correction $200 for 2 OG13 fem's


Well-Known Member
I understand your frustration, but it's not like they swapped out the bean u paid's a freebie mayne
Ya I know...the problem stemmed from me going to the site to find a description of the Blimburn Northern Auto and under the description there was nothing there except the words "Blimburn Northern Auto", that's it, oh and the red banner that said out of stock, while the White Critical was in stock.

Really I am not the type to gripe about something as petty this as it was free, and I explained this to Jodie in my first email. It was simply the fact of how she tried to dance around this UFO policy of we try and make sure you get the ones listed on your order, that's all. It's a customer service issue, everything else seemed alright. The fact that with the "stealth" and shipping addons, before it was all said and done, I paid $43 for one bean I paid for, a $3 wallet, and got a free auto instead of a free WC. I see no value in it other than the reviews I've seen about the LH. Hopefully Herbies will be a better option for me as I haven't read anything negative about them yet. To me customer service is everything and theirs, to me anyways, sucks. Just my .02


Well-Known Member
lol its a S1 of the original nevilles cut thats cheap :D
Dogless gave the G13 to both Neville and to Doc Greenthumb, except Neville somehow lost his. It's a BIG yielder when grown well. I think both Dr. Gruber and Heartlandhank are memebrs here and have posted about the Dr. Greenthumb G13 they grew
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