Seeded Plant Nutrients?


I have a couple plants that are producing a load of seeds. Is there any extra nutes i can give them to produce healthy seed? I have heard phos and potassium but how much?
Any help would be appreciated.
Ya, they are outdoors and due to b beaten by the wind and rain over the next couple of weeks. I dont expect to get much quality bud for smoking but the seeds will b plump.
Just feed them a balanced nutrient. NPK and all the micronutrients. Don't overfeed. Just keep the plants healthy. You don't have to do anything different than if you were growing seedless weed. Healthy plants is what you want.
Ya, they are outdoors and due to b beaten by the wind and rain over the next couple of weeks. I dont expect to get much quality bud for smoking but the seeds will b plump.
Ok in your case, you dont want your seeds pods getting wet too often or too much, light rain is fine if its not continuous for 5 days straight , if heavy rain is coming keep a plastic bag over them, (your seed buds) in the heaviest down pours, and stake them up so as the dont touch the ground. dry is good , wet is bad.

as for nutrients it will make no difference, the stuff seeds in the poorest of clay soils driest environments you can imagine and germinates in the most difficult places, just make sure you dont harvest too early, and dry the seeds and store them correcly.
Thank you, i am a little worried about rot. I imagine the bags could only be on for a short time or they would also produce rot.
For evolutionary purposes... seeds don’t need much. I have found just letting things dry a while will allow seeds to mature even well after cutting them down.

Let them do there thing for sure but... I have found that speeding them along works quite well.

Nothing needed if you grew the plants healthy just clip and dry and the seeds mature and drop out.

Sure I have pulled plenty off a living plant. But I can’t count how often I knew I had all of them picked out and after a week or two drying I find more that could not have been there so they matured on the dry line.

Seeds will mature just fine without help.
Seeds carry the microbes responsible for the phenotype. The proper question should be what can't you give them. An added fertilizer or microbe that wasn't in the system (plant-soil symbiosis) to begin with is detrimental to the seed.
Seeds carry the microbes responsible for the phenotype. The proper question should be what can't you give them. An added fertilizer or microbe that wasn't in the system (plant-soil symbiosis) to begin with is detrimental to the seed.
Thats interesting but Im not sure what you are talking about. I grow completely organic in soil and only use Earth Juice, and worm tea.
If you are running a living soil then you need do nothing. You are on the right path. Keep it up and if you can get a few 30 gal totes and start recycling the soils. After about 2 grows but definitely after the third you have a soil, when done correctly, that can not be beaten. A properl living organic grow provides everything the plant needs at the correct ratios. Nothing to do but add water and you don’t even need to pH it. If you haven’t already study up on ROLS and give it a shot if you have space. Then you won’t even need tea or earth juice anymore. Recycle it and follow a recipe like Subcools and before you know it water is all you need.

It takes a good 6 months of proper composting to get great soil so usually the third grow you will start to really notice. Sometimes it doesn’t compost for a few reasons so it could take longer... People use bag soil that is way too young and never recycle, which is how nature works, and never understand how fast and easy soil growing actually is.

Done right... your question is moot. I would be very surprised if you are using a good tea that you need to do anything for good seed.
If you are running a living soil then you need do nothing. You are on the right path. Keep it up and if you can get a few 30 gal totes and start recycling the soils. After about 2 grows but definitely after the third you have a soil, when done correctly, that can not be beaten. A properl living organic grow provides everything the plant needs at the correct ratios. Nothing to do but add water and you don’t even need to pH it. If you haven’t already study up on ROLS and give it a shot if you have space. Then you won’t even need tea or earth juice anymore. Recycle it and follow a recipe like Subcools and before you know it water is all you need.

It takes a good 6 months of proper composting to get great soil so usually the third grow you will start to really notice. Sometimes it doesn’t compost for a few reasons so it could take longer... People use bag soil that is way too young and never recycle, which is how nature works, and never understand how fast and easy soil growing actually is.

Done right... your question is moot. I would be very surprised if you are using a good tea that you need to do anything for good seed.

Thats exactly what i do. Just getting the soil going though. This is my first year with a worm farm and its quite easy. Like u said, it takes a while to get good soil going so i just wondered if i need to add anything. Vermicompost is a little faster than regular compost and much healthier but i probably need more worms to get the amount it would take. If they dont multiply enough by spring, i will have to buy more.
Worms end up in the pots with the pot also so thats good but they dont usually make it through the winter that way because the soil ends up being stored outside.
The farm i have already brought inside. No smell at all with worms. Indoor compost, gotta Love it.
I just looked up subcools recipe. Looks like intermediate stuff. I have advanced past that way of doing it and my way is cheaper.
Yeah Subcool is text book and good for learning. There are lots of ways to compost but SC is a good starting point. It is good for getting a fresh pile started. I too have my own worm farm and use live worms in the pots. Nothing but sugar water once the soil is working. No need to pH just autopilot.
Right on, the soil is improving but i find that i still need to add nitrogen so have been looking into nitrogen fixing companion plants. Eventually the plan is to get out of pots and into the ground. I think thats when things will really take off.
I find that my ph tends to creap a little too high even though i use a lot of peat moss.
Organic mediums will cycle up and down and that is fine. There is nothing truly constant in a good organic grow. It is constantly self adjusting.

I do the same in hydro. I don’t need to dump I just add live EWC tea and it shoots way up for a day then comes back and cycles around. All the while the plants are just fine. People freak about it too much. Hydro naturally cycles all by itself but people dump In adjusters constantly to try and hold a certain pH which is actually bad and they just don’t understand what they are doing wrong.

If you are doing things wrong than forcing it to a good place can’t hurt. But once things are truly happy and healthy the job becomes very easy. A good organic soil grower is really just focused on the soil health, training / pruning and pest mang. But plant health takes care of itself. I just water every so often and lollipop and take dead leaves off and that is about it unless I get some bugs. Sometimes I SCROG and that is ideal but like now I have too many small plants in my space for that. Either a few big ones or a bunch of small ones is all I can do ATM.

Outdoor can either be way better or way worse. Where I live outdoor cannot pull in the yield or quality indoor can. But I live in an extreme location compared to most so it all just depends. I won’t be putting anything in the ground myself that I expect to finish unless it is an auto. And even then I would grow it indoors through veg. Indoor in a pot you can make a perfect environment so you can get extremely good quality from strains that would never finish naturally in your area. So I generally stay in pots myself... for cannabis.
Thats kinda how it is for me. The climate is not ideal so i started out indoors for many years. I dont like autos, i keep it natural. Now im working towards building a greenhouse, the best of both worlds. I can grow outdoors all year round if i keep it heated and with light dep in the summer and supplemental light in the winter it will b awesome. Plants that receive natural sunlight have better health, taste, and potency.
I am working on breading some strains the likes of which the masses have never seen. Maybe we could do some trading.
Well I just pulled a pile of S2 seeds from a very long to ripen strain (15 weeks bloom) and have one going to test. I have some Snow White and some AK 48 regs I am just getting sexed and will breed this winter. I have a bunch of other stuff but I can only do so much at a time.

I breed a long time ago back around 2000 and made some good stuff but as far as breeding goes I am starting over this winter. I had a big break for various reasons and I am burning through my old seed and trying to get through that so I can justify growing my new seeds.

I would like to make some F1s off a back breed White Widow and my crazy sativa in a few rounds. I think I only got 1 WW to go so I need to plant some more in a few weeks. But I have so many strains right now and a few mothers that are great that I need to sort of slow down. My space is full.
Just getting things going again myself. Not in the best place right now, looking to move to more space.
I was just wondering because i made some really good crosses this year and will have more seed than i need from these.
One is a white widow x purple ryder (mazar e sharif pheno)
and another is g13 hash plant x purple ryder
The purple ryder male that i used was amazing. The best looking male i have ever seen.
Hit me up in a few months if u are interested.
Im in Oregon.