Seedliing is stunted in growth? And yellowing


If those plants are 2 weeks old maybe your pH is off preventing the plants from getting their food, they sell pH meters everywhere. I didn't have one for my first couple weeks and once you can correct the pH the plants will show you they are happier
If those plants are 2 weeks old maybe your pH is off preventing the plants from getting their food, they sell pH meters everywhere. I didn't have one for my first couple weeks and once you can correct the pH the plants will show you they are happier
Yeah. I ordered a ph meter but it won't arrive for another week


Well-Known Member
I wouldn’t give up, the roots grow too and the part above soil won’t grow a lot while the roots are growing when it’s this little. I think once you can PH the water your plants will be happier. Do you use any mycorrhizae? That would help too. (:
I wouldn’t give up, the roots grow too and the part above soil won’t grow a lot while the roots are growing when it’s this little. I think once you can PH the water your plants will be happier. Do you use any mycorrhizae? That would help too. (:
My ph is about 7.8-8
I have the liquid ph tester also. I have not watered for run off or fed my plant any fertilizer as yet since its only 2 weeks old. The ph of the water I use when I water the plant is 6.5 .
Those soil pH testers are known to be pretty much useless. Sorry for the bad news.
Like I said before, I have the liquid PH tester...which does the same thing as the meter you suggested. I got the soil meter to try and figure out the ph of the soil but its basically trash so I'm back to only knowing the ph of the water i feed the plant....which wont help me since I cannot feed till it runs plant will drown. Any helpful suggestions/solutions?
Water less.. Every 2-3 days i find it hard to imagine all the water is evaporating after 1 day. I get that you want to take care of the plant but less is more, it looks like its drowning.
It's not drowning. If you look at all the other pics the soil is very dry. I took the first pics shortly after watering. The plant is in direct sunlight from 7 am to 6 pm and indirect sunlight until about 7:45 pm. Put your plant outside in dry, blazing heat (temps 85 degrees F plus) and see how your plant would fare watering every 2-3 days. I have never watered to have water has ever leaked through the drain holes because I do not water heavily.

Pie Eye

Active Member
It's not drowning. If you look at all the other pics the soil is very dry. I took the first pics shortly after watering. The plant is in direct sunlight from 7 am to 6 pm and indirect sunlight until about 7:45 pm. Put your plant outside in dry, blazing heat (temps 85 degrees F plus) and see how your plant would fare watering every 2-3 days. I have never watered to have water has ever leaked through the drain holes because I do not water heavily.
That means its sitting bud, not starting an argument but just cuz it looks dry doesnt mean it is, i guarentee the center of that solo cup is soupy, even my 3.5 gal has problems draining and its made specifially for plants.
That means its sitting bud, not starting an argument but just cuz it looks dry doesnt mean it is, i guarentee the center of that solo cup is soupy, even my 3.5 gal has problems draining and its made specifially for plants.
Not here to argue...I'm telling you that I know for certain it is not overwatered. I'm not new to gardening, only new to this kind of plant. The plant is dry. The soil on the bottom (which I can see and feel through the drainage holes) is dried. The moisture detector that I have tells me it is not overwatered and my finger that I shove down to the center of the cup tells me it is not overwatered. Any other suggestions?
That means its sitting bud, not starting an argument but just cuz it looks dry doesnt mean it is, i guarentee the center of that solo cup is soupy, even my 3.5 gal has problems draining and its made specifially for plants.
If I dump out the cup and take a picture of the soil to prove to you that theres no soup going on in the middle of the cup, will you
guys have a better suggestions for me? Because it seems like that's the only thing anyone ever suggests, regardless of me reassuring you that it not.

Pie Eye

Active Member
Put your plant outside in dry, blazing heat (temps 85 degrees F plus) and see how your plant would fare watering every 2-3 days. I have never watered to have water has ever leaked through the drain holes because I do not water heavily.
This is what gets me.

Pie Eye

Active Member
If I dump out the cup and take a picture of the soil to prove to you that theres no soup going on in the middle of the cup, will you
guys have a better suggestions for me? Because it seems like that's the only thing anyone ever suggests, regardless of me reassuring you that it not.
Since nobody picked up where i left off, you should never be above 85 degrees.

"The ideal temperature during the vegetative stage is between 68-77°F"

Going below or above those ranges will cause the plant to either grow SLOW or not at all.

Temperature Fluxuations are also BAD.
You dont want to peak at 90 degrees in the day and have 68 degree nights.

Bad. Bad. Bad.

The plant likes routine, same temps everyday, watering when your plant gives you visuals not just the soil will also help

If you feed n feed n feed n never flush you will build-up and lockout nutes and the plant will stunt.

Like I said even your temps out, water every 2-3 days, feed ONLY every other watering if directed by your nutes.