seedling already has female hair?


Active Member
this sprouted a day ago and i had it with my other plants that are flowering, forgot to give it light at night. i dont c how this one night gave it some hairs? its a bad pic but u can see the little hair comming off the leaf
a day old seedling? way possible its flowered to show must go through its normal grow cycle...not even an autoflowering plant will sex that fast...the fastest ive had one sex is 12 days...and that was my diesel ryder...which is an autoflower.and that pic is so outta focus its hard to tell if its even a cannabis plant
its been on 12/12 for one night. on accident.
i guess ill just take a pic when its bigger. but its clearly a white "THING" coming out of where the leaf is... it mite not be a hair, but its something i havent seen before
the closer you get to the seedling the more blurry it'll be. take a picture further away as to focus on the seedling.
either way, it sounds pretty far-fetched to me...
if i take it from far away, you cant see the little white thing...
ill just post a pic when its biiger than
it doesn't have to be far away, just further, maybe four inches or something. see how the soil in the pic isn't that blurry, the camera is focusing on that more than the plant.
does it also have a calyx?
no, no calyx or anything, almost looks like its coming out of the leaf itself

(the pics are from my phone, there not gonna be anybetter than those)
true, yeah i guess you can't do much with a camera phone.
when i starts to develop you'll see exactly what it is, i guess if you see more coming out it might mean something
yea i wasn't for sure it was a hair, dont think it is now. but thats just what it looked like. i guess ill find out with time what it really is