seedling are purple n diying

Please help, i have 5 new seedlings that have a purple stem and one leaf that is also purple. The purple leaves are leaning inward and are dying. The lights are on all the time and about 6 inches away, air is circulated and soil is neutral. I also added root stimulator to advance growth but im confused on whats happening to them. Can anyone help???


Active Member
pics? all my seedlings had purple stems at the start, could be genetics. What color are the leaves when they are dieing? Pics would really help
Well i cant figure out how to post pics, but 4 seeds have straightened out and are green again but there is one that has one leaf dead and it turned greyish purple b4 it died. The other leaf on the seedling is starting to curl up longways so idk if i should take it out of the dome to isolate it or to just leave it alone


Well-Known Member
why r they still in a humidity dome? once they have broken ground & are up the need FRESH air, so ditch the dome.


Well-Known Member
It's called damping off which is caused by overwatering and too much humidity. Seedlings are really fragile and need special attention until they're strong enough to handle stress.
Guys chill!! The root stimulator made them grow fast so they sprouted the same day the problem occured and the dome is andvance with temp, humididty, UV penatration, O2 sensors,CO2 sensors, and ground temp control