seedling, bumpy leaves, curling, losing colour


Active Member
if your still about autotek, haven't been able to change anything yet as I'm waiting for them to dry out so I can transplant and add some perlite, at this point i will do a full ph test and see if we can sort this out.
Went to petshop today and managed to get what I needed, will get a digital pH meter after all this christmas stuff is done with!

I've taken some new pics today, and one of the two side by side, have done nothing different with each one, but look at the difference!! Plus the bad one seems to be getting even worse, should I germ another seed for a back up? trouble is I wouldn't have room for 3 if she made it through!


Well-Known Member
I have 7 in my hydro set of them is a monster that puts the rest to shame {hope it's a girl] some plants are weaker than others.....if you have a good suply of seeds you could germ another one , wait a couple weeks and keep the best looking one....It will be behind the others of course and have to be flowered 2 weeks later ...This would increase your chances of finishig with three plants .....


Active Member
hmm i really am stumped on what to do now lol

do you think the smaller plant looks like it will actually survive, I have 3 more seeds as I bought a pack of five feminised


Well-Known Member
Well it wasn't my intentions to stump you would be defeating the purpose ...HAAA HAA....I think the sick baby will probably pull through but can't guarantee it ...It really don't look that bad to me ...It's not in danger of dropping dead over night or any thing ...I would watch it for a couple days and go from there.....Hope this helps ,and not stumps...


Active Member
lol nah you've been a great help cheers mate, it's probably just me bein paranoid but it seems to look a lot worse when i look at it than it does in the pics lol, i'll give her a bit more time to dry out, transplant and sort the pH, and add some perlite for drainage, and hope she perks up a bit.

Also someone has told me that using mollases during veg can sometimes help a weak plant get back on its feet because it contains micronutrients or something, you know anything about this stuff mate?


Well-Known Member
Could have been me Bro... because I firmly believe in molasses...Tablespoon per gallon for soil ....teaspoon per gallon for hydro....I use the latter......its full of micro nutes just like you heard ....After a few hours research I found that molasses is basicaly the same thing as the bloom nutrients you buy....molasses is about $2.50 a quart vs $18.00........I use molasses all the way thru the grow......


Active Member
nice, i'll get me some of that too then! Do you happen to know how many litres is a gallon? lol, bloody english, I know!!! :p

O yeah also, when i bought my stuff they chucked in some free Advanced nutrients 2 part Sensi Grow, and Sensi Bloom, do you know anything about these??? and are they good for soil??

Sorry for so many questions, cheers for all the help so far mate!


Well-Known Member
Not sure about soil but they are great for hydro...OH....and yes I happen to know that 1Gallon is Exactly..3.78 litres....Metric????... I just don't know about you kidding.....All questions are welcome mate..did I say that right ???? lmao....


Active Member
lol nice little bit of knowledge there!!!

I'll throw some back at ya, 1lb is 0.454KG lol

Only know cos I'm a butcher! Haha

Cheers for the help MATE!!! I'll keep in touch and let ya know how things go :weed:


Well-Known Member
Yeah... keep me posted I'll help all I can Bro/mate...Translation..LOL....I'm getting good at this if i do say so myself>> can slip me some good cuts if you'd like....


Active Member
lol i'm with ya now!!! which cut takes your fancy?

the bigger one is still growing and looks fine, they are both getting their 4th set of true leaves, however the smaller one is just all shrivelled and miniature, and still very yellow with white patches


Active Member
good to hear!!! And actually lookin at the pics compared to before, it does look a tiny bit better!

Still haven't changed nothing yet, do you think this whole problem may have come from overwatering her in the first week??

The big one is gettin dry now, hoping smaller one will be dried out tomorrow so I can transplant and pH test, is it right to test the water first, then test the run off at the bottom? Should I pH down the water to a certain level before watering, if so what would you recommend?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I would ph the water to 6.5-6.8...and then check may have to adjust water ph afterwards it could change , we'll just have to see...


Active Member
cool, cheers mate, well i'm off to bed now, gotta be back at work at 7am, just 5 hours away lol!!!

I'll post when i get back to let ya know if I have done it, may need an extra day to dry em right out!!!

Speak soon bud!!!


Active Member
hey people, especially autotek if you're still out there!

Update!!! Have just watered and pH'd plants, there are some pictures that i took while i wass watering. Both plants are growing and the smaller one looks like it's making a recovery, with no sign of the yellow patches on the new growth *fingers crossed*

However, I done the pH test, water was 7.8 as I had noticed on the bottom, the test kit i got was only a liquid colour indicator so was hard to get exact numbers, I pH downed the water to what looked somewhere between 6.5 and 7.0, however my run off came out at what looked somewhere around 5.0!!!!! :o

What now??? lol Have i just shot them in the face at point blank range?? lol

EDIT- I didnt do the transplant just yet, as I think they will be ok for a little longer and haven't had a lot of time, working hard during this festive period lol!
PS. autotek do u use msn messeger or anything?? you've been a great help and would be nice to chat with a fellow toker across the atlantic :p PM me if u wanna lol



Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm still here mate,.......they are looking great....Try one more watering and check your run off and then we will go from there Bro......


Active Member
cool, cheers mate, guess i'll just let them do their thing for a few days while they dry out, and hope I see nothing bad coming from the low pH!!!

By the way, what do u think about transplanting?? Does it look as if the pots are big enough for a while yet?? I have seen the odd root poking out the bottom, but nothing major


Well-Known Member
Yeah, they are fine for now Mate wouldn't worry about transplanting yet.......wouldn't have any worries at all for now they are doing fine.......